
Should I Be Concerned??

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My Fish Has Gotten A Bit Big Lately

So I'm Guessing Pregnancy

BUT Theres This White/Clear Stripe And I Went To Check On Her But I See A Few More

I'm Getting A Little Scared On Whats Wrong With Her

Is This Normal??

Some One E-mailed Me Saying It Might Be Velvet Or Some Other Diesese

I'm 13 Sooo You Know How Scary That Could Be Right??

Is It A Diesese??

Should I Be Concerned??

If It Is A Diesese Can It Be Treated??

Any Advice??




  1. well,I would say shes pregnant,if shes not showing any different signs than normal,she is eating and everthing right? but she probably is pregnant even if you dont have a male with her.

  2. This 'stripe' - where is it? Are the stripes uniform? That is, are they following a pattern, are they straight? Are the stripes fuzzy?

    Velvet and ich are two diseases that may contribute to a color change like this, but both are more like a dusting on the fish, not stripes...

    What's your water quality like? When was the last time you did a test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates? Could be stress induced disease brought on by poor water quality.

    Not sure if mollies can catch Neon Tetra Disease... have you recently added anything to the tank - plants, decorations, fish?

    Sorry about all these questions, but you didn't provide much info (:


    Edit: So you haven't cycled the tank? Please read about cycling here:

    You should buy a test kit to check on ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and you have to do weekly water changes to keep nitrates under control.

    I'm going to dismiss ich or velvet, but I'm not quite sure what you have. If the fish is still eating and swimming like normal and isn't gilling - rapid movements of the gills indicating stress - don't be worried and don't treat for anything. Add some Stress Coat and 'wait and see'.

  3. Your best bet is to go to your local pet store and ask an employee.  They can generally diagnose the fish and provide the correct treatment.  Even if the fish is pregnant (and you'll want to know how to properly handle that as well), you still want to treat the white stripe, which sounds like a disease.

    Taking a picture with you to the store could really help.  I know Petco and Petsmart are very good with answering questions.

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