
Should I Buy Heating Oil Now?

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How Much do you think that It will cost?




  1. Only the 'market experts' know the answer to that question, and they are almost always wrong (huh?).

    So, the best I can recommend is finding a buying coop in your area and join that.  You still get your oil from a regular cooperating dealer but might save upwards of 25-50 cents per gallon.

    As an example, today's price from a coop in the Philly area is $3.75/gal, down drastically from nearly $4.50 just some 2-3 weeks ago.

  2. some parts of the country allow you to pre purchase heating oil and propane so the price is locked in this is what my mother in law does every year and she lives in ohio so call around they can tell if they do the same if they do it would be a lot cheaper now then to wait when it is cold and snow on the ground

  3. I think it will drop throughout the month of August.After that is any body's guess.

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