
Should I Buy a Fan -?

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for my living room, one that sits on the floor. Our electric is SO high ($400-$500 a month)

Would this help or would I be wasting money? They are only about $125.00 here.





  1. That's a lot.  You might want to make sure your A/C unit (if it's central air) is operating correctly and sized correctly for your house.  If you are using window air conditioners, consider a central a/c unit  if possible.  It sounds like it would pay off for you rather quickly if you are paying 400-500 dols./month.  Central units use much less power.

    Consider florescent light bulbs, incandescent burn really hot and are always blowing out anyways.

    Also, I don't necessarily buy into the idea that you'll save a lot of money by turning down your a/c.  Your fridge, for example, will have to work harder in a hotter house.

    Come to think of it, you might want to check your other appliances to make sure they are working correctly.  Maybe it's not your a/c running your bill up.

  2. That is alot for electric but a fan isn't really that much better than an a/c because the fan will only blow around that hot air. Try not running your ac so much! I hope that helps!
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