
Should I Buy an HD DVD Player...since there so cheap right now?

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Should I Buy an HD DVD Player...since there so cheap right now?




  1. The reason they're so cheap is that the backers are trying to get as many players in people's homes to drive sales of HD DVD discs.

    Problem is, the BluRay format is becoming the de facto high def video disc standard. So, unless you want a pricey doorstopper, I'd be saving up for a BluRay player.

  2. I would wait until they drop in price a little more , then I would buy one. They are still useful as up converters for regular dvd.

  3. No.  I suspect the reason they're cheap is because Blu-Ray is going to win the format war, and it will soon be as obsolete as a Beta Max player.

  4. I wouldn't.

    One of the reasons the prices are so low is that retailers and manufacturers are trying desparately to get rid of inventory based on announcements that Toshiba (one of the leading companies behind HD-DVD) will be backing out.  In other words, HD-DVD isn't dead...yet, but you might as well start counting the days.

    Throw in the fact that retailers are starting to announce they will start going blu-ray exclusive within the next few months, and it really makes no sense to buy a HD-DVD player.

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