
Should I Call A Cat Whisperer About This??

by  |  earlier

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My beautiful kitty Finnegan

has a little problem

he pees' in the house

we know it's because of this stupid mans cats' (he has like 70 and lives in a shed *shudders*)

any who, we called the vet and he gave my cat medicine to make him calm, but it didn't work.

I wanted to know if we should call a cat whisperer about it.

please help he is meowing at the door rite now!!!




  1. If you don't already have several litter boxes around the house, I would get them NOW. Place them in the problem areas and hopefully he will be tempted to go there. Make sure to clean them out DAILY. If not cleaned properly the kitty might find other places to go ON TOP of the already offending places.

    This is a very common problem. Some cats will go when they are mad, others just because they can go there.

    Mine used to use the bath mat in the bathroom.

    Spray some No Go or other such spray in the offending areas which is smelly to the animals but not to humans.

    If this doesn't work, then make the kitty an outside kitty ONLY


    Good Luck

  2. You should try changing litters and make sure that the litter box is fresh and clean at all times possible.

  3. What I'm concerned about is the man who has 70 cats living in a shed!  Or did I misunderstand that?  If I've read the question right, I think you should call the police or animal control and find out what the laws are in your area about that.  I can't imagine that any one person could really be taking good care of that many cats!

    As for the pottying problem, I'm assuming that your vet thinks it's because your kitty is very stressed (since he gave medicine to make him calm).  I think the only way you're going to solve this problem is to get rid of the source of the stress.

  4. Bladder problems. And cat whisperers are fake. they just charge you money so they can lie.

  5. Try to keep him indoors for a while my cat seems to calm down when i scratch its chin or behind its ears dont feed him as much water  remember cat whisperers can do alot but you dont want you to get him 2 timid they are also very exspensive put more litter boxes around the house anywere hes allowed up or down stairs dont let him go in anywee you cant see him like in a very messy room cos i did this in my sons bedroom then we noticed it started smelling alot so keep him in your site also dont scold him when he does it eg hit him (if you do)or spray water at him give him a quick tap on the nose and say no also make sure theres plenty of places to pee slowly deteriate this number down until theres only a few left do this over a matter of weeks and only put him out when he really needs to go out when he comes him chill him out leave him in show him them also dont use cat litter that doesnt leave a smell like catsan or crystil.

    Good look i hope this helps!!!

  6. agree with Lotty, it's good stuff


    Get a Feliway plug in, I swear by them. My cat used to spray and be an absolute nightmare til I got one now he is so calm and much happier x x x

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