
Should I Call?

by  |  earlier

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I went in on a wednesday and asked the manager of Aldo if they were hiring she said yes and asked for my resume, she was writing details and I proceeded to tell her that I have 4 months of retail experience. She asked me to come back the next day for an interview. I did and it went well, she asked me if she could contact me through my cell number and said to expect a call in a couple of days. It's now monday and still nothing? What should I do?




  1. Don't call, its impersonal and truthfully she may not remember your voice. Go in, look presentable and say "hey I am still waiting on a call, but I was here today and thought I would drop by and see if you had time to think about my application. " Make sure they aren't busy.

    always go in for a follow up. If she tells you that she is going a different direction, don't get defensive, but ask why. That way she knows your willing to work to change and she will remember you next time.

    Good luck

  2. A couple of days usually means "business days". You interviewed Wed, again on Thursday, so only Fri (when little is done) and Monday have passed. If you have not heard anything by Wed, call her and ask if she has filled her positions or if you are still under consideration. In the meantime, keep interviewing elsewhere.
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