
Should I Date Him?????

by Guest55923  |  earlier

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ok well there is this guy that likes me and i like him too and we call eachother everyday and we are going to be going out soon but its weird cause at school we have a class together and he like BARLEY EVER talks to mee during the class period! Andd hes always talking to this other girl and like doesnt even make an effort to get up and talk to me. and i bet if he ends up being my boyfriend nobody in the class would even knoww....but then after class he walks me to class and talkes to me, and when he calls me he tells me how much he likes me andd how he wants to be my boyfreind andd that i looked s**y today and everythingg lol! it like really bothers me though!!!!!! whyy does he do thiss??????

omg i dono if i should go out with him or just tell him that we shouldnt go out?

what would yall do......




  1. please don't go out with someone that doesn't pay attention to you in class. like... i know its hard, but i think he MIGHT just be using you to boost his ego in some strange way. he probably likes you, but if he never talks and only txts, it's probably based on a more physical level. it sucks, i know. but keep your chin up, don't get jealous when he talks to other girls, and stop texting him for a day or two and see what he does. (one time I did that and the guy texted me... so play hard to get, but not tooooo much)

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