
Should I Eat sushi for lunch or save my money and eat the food I brought to work???

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Today is Payday and Friday! So I want to treat myself!




  1. Sushi!  Sushi!

  2. treat yourself! i do it all the time, just dont regret it afterwards!  

  3. U can actually make it a 2 for 1 cause u can eat the food u brought for lunch & them go out later and use that money & get sushi.

  4. If you already brought food then eat it and save your money. Treat yourself tonight with some drinks or maybe a new shirt or....have sushi for dinner. I think it is always better to go out to dinner than lunch!

  5. Eat the food you brought. And treat yourself tomorrow!

  6. yes definately the sushi i love sushi!!!

  7. eat the sushi for luch. sushi is cheaper at luch times. like lunch specials.  so dont wait till dinner. :D

  8. Eat the food you brought, don't waste it!  And save the sushi for Monday to perk up your first day of the week :)

  9. Hmmm.  That's a toughie.

    The logical side of me says just eat the food you brought to work.

    However, the other "devil-may-care" side says go for the sushi.

    I love sushi, so maybe I'm not the right person to ask.

    I'm leaning towards going for the sushi.  Have a piece for me!

  10. Eat your lunch and go out later tonight. If you don't eat it today there is the possibility that you won't eat it later especially if you have sushi in mind.  

  11. its friday...indulge :)

  12. then eat sushi!!!

  13. My vote would be for eating the food you took to work.  Save your money.

  14. Treat yourself.  You might not be able to afford it later.

  15. You SHOULD really eat the food you brought but...

    I really love sushi and as it's payday, i'd go for that.

  16. Save you money!!!!

    You'll be happy you did later tonight!

  17. Eat the food you brought.

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