
Should I Get Back On My Prozac????

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I was diagnosed with OCD and anxiety, and was put on Prozac at the age of 10. I am now 17, and have gotten off my meds (under my doctor's care) about 6 months ago. But ever since then, i have felt extremely depressed. I am going through some hard things (parent's divorce, custody battle, recovering from an eating disorder), but i have never felt so low in my life. I cry daily, have sudden bursts of anger and start screaming and swearing, feel worthless and guilty, and i just don't find pleasure in anything anymore. I even get these spells where i feel detached, or like i am moving like a zombie or something. I have tried exericse and hanging out with friends more, but these things only make me happy for a temporarily. I HATE the thought of going back on my meds, but do you think i might need them? I don't know if i can handle all this, plus the anxiety of school

(oh yeah, and i asked my doctor and she isn't really being much help).

What should i do?




  1. If you don't think your doctor's helping, look for a new one.

    BUT be honest with all your feelings.  Tell someone and get some advice.  You're going thru a LOT and some of the feelings may be normal and will go way but some may not  or get worse.

    It's really good that you're paying attention to this and thinking about options.  Maybe a good therapist to dump on will make you feel better.  Do tell them that you'd rather not go back to the Prozac if you can avoid it but don't rule it out entirely.  It may get you over the rough patch.

  2. if the prozac helped you with all of this then i would def. talk to your doctor about getting put back on it. i don't understand why she took you off in the first place?


  4. Well yes, depression doesn't go away because you stop taking meds. I mean, why did you stop? I know it's hard "living" a life controlled by medicine, but hey, if it keeps you level and feeling like yourself (instead of weepy, scatter brained, like an automated robot/zombie going through the motions of life, or even suicidal) then why stop?

    I recommend talk therapy, xanax, and your prozac. Seriously, why stop what kept you normal?  

  5. You know I have a similar diagnosis and have been on zoloft since 14.  A few months ago (maybe 6 months) I thought 'why not get off my meds?  I feel fine!!' so I weaned myself down from 100 mgs to 50 mgs and almost immediately I realized I needed to get right back up there.  Why fix something that's not broken, right?  When I got down to such a lower dosage than used to I became a huge stressball and my OCD was OUT OF CONTROL.  I still would like to think I could get off them one day and it may be partially psychological that I reacted as such but for now I know I need to stay on them, and there's nothing wrong with that really.

    I suggest you get back on a lower dosage and take it from there.  Don't put yourself through misery.  Good luck.

  6. Well prozac is for depression and anxiety. I have been on prozac off and on for over a year. I noticed that when I got off of my prozac things went back downhill and I had mood swings. Everyone noticed a change in my attitude, for the worse. Im not saying its your only bet at happiness by all means. I'm just trying to let you know that I had some of the same things happen to me. I didnt ever really get depressed because I was on an anti-anxiety medication that I took 3x daily up until I found out I was pregnant, so that kept me relaxed. However, even with the anti-anxiety pill and being off of the prozac I was still very moody and picked a fight with my husband over everything. I was also going through a lot of changes in my life.. Not near as bad as yours. Actually most were good changes, just scary. I was getting married, buying a house with my husband, had just moved out of my moms who I am really close with, reality hit me that I was growing up and not in high school anymore. And everything just hit me like BAM. It was soemthing a lot of people deal with daily but for some reason I couldn't cope. Anyways. It might not be a bad idea. If the prozac didn't work, maybe you could see if theres something else out there that might help too. Good luck!!

    PS. Anxiety and depression kind of go hand in hand so if you are feeling depressed due to your anxiety maybe an anti-anxiety pill that you can take and works fast might be best help for you!? Idk but talk to your doctor.. You will feel normal and be able to go to school again don't worry!!

  7. Hi there Giggles,

    You sound overwhelmed and depressed.  Sorry you're feeling bad.  :0

    Maybe you should let your parents handle the doctor's appointment.  Have them tell the doc what's going on.  Of course, you can schedule an appointment with a new GP or find a Psychiatrist in your area..  They're experts in treating mood disorders.  The sooner the better.  Hang in there.  

    Just keep reminding yourself that these feelings are temporary.

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