
Should I Give the Sport Another Shot?

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Over the past couple of months, ive decided that i want to take up gymnastics again. I did it for about 2 years when i was about 5 but then stopped. After that, i did soccer for about 8 years but then stopped when i entered high school cause i didnt think i was that good enough to make the team.Im 15 turning 16 at the end of the year and i really want to continue. I already know the basics such as cartwheels, handstands, roundoffs, and standing back hand springs. When i asked my mom, she laughed and then kinda avoided. IDK why shes not lettin me. My younger bro is a prodigy when it comes to soccer, and my sis is amazing at cheerleading, so idk why i cant do something that i know FOR SURE that im amazing at as well. Also 2, i need some things so i can put on my college application as well. And on top of that i always feel excluded and left out cause the rest of my friends do sports as well and they never have time to hang out. Is it too late for me to qualify for the next olympics, or the 2016. If not, is ther still time for me to get a college scholorship?




  1. If you enjoy Gymnastics then you should go ahead and try. If you worked hard enough at it you could get into the next Olympics and be a success.

    If you enjoy what you do then you should ignore what other people think and go ahead and do it, you should start off by finding a Gymnastics class and work at it from there. Also when you go to College you should make clear your aims in Gymnastics and the College should support you at it.

    And yes you should be able to get a scholarship if you work hard enough at Gymnastics. Don't be overshadowed by people who are better at other things than you - just work at what you want.

    I hope to see you at the next Olympics =].

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