
Should I Go to Planned Parenthood Tomorrow? PLEASE READ?

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I suffer from a debilitating disease called Endometriosis. It causes severe, and excruciating uterine contractions/cramps during my menstrual cycle. In order to shut off my menstrual cycle, I take continuous birth control pills. (Skipping the placebo pills so I never menstruate)

My health insurance will NOT cover my pills until I get a laparoscopy. I don't want invasive surgery and would rather use continuous BCP since they are extremely helpful and I have significantly less pain.

These pills cost me $70 per month. I thought I could go to PP to get them cheaper. I went to PP and explained my condition. I explained how I was not sexually active and I use the pills for my medical condition, not contraception.

They had me fill out various forms and on every single form I checked "abstinence" and "no" on the question asking whether I was sexually active. I explained repeatedly my reason for using the pills.

However, the "clinician" (receptionist that doubles as a clinician) repeatedly insinuated that I was lying by saying things like "Hey do you want to buy some condoms? We have them 10 for a dollar?" and "We need to get you on these pills so you don't get pregnant." She said these things just after I was done explaining.

When I had a pap done, the nurse said "Yes we need to do a pap. Yeah let's see, you've been sexually active for four years now." (I first had s*x at age 17 but I quit having s*x at age 18 after deciding I am not emotionally ready to have s*x. I have not had s*x since age 18.

Why are they so disrespectful? Also, I asked to get my complete file so I could see what they wrote about me, and the clinician (receptionist that calls herself a clinician) explained that their policy is to only release "pertinent information", what she referred to as abnormal test results. They don't even follow HIPAA. After I explained that their office needs to follow HIPAA and give me a copy of my ENTIRE file, she shut up and agreed to copy my entire file.

I am going there to get my records tomorrow. Should I ask to speak with a clinician as to whether I should continue to get BCP there? They are insulting my intelligence by repeatedly making references to avoiding pregnancy. They also assumed I was a moron by thinking they could get away with only give me my abnormal results. I have no abnormal results, so they would have given me nothing.

Should I talk with them? Also, the clinician went on and on talking about birth control pills and how they are safe and she said "Yes they are actually used to treat many medical conditions like Endometriosis." She said it to me as if I was not aware of that, and all along I had been telling her that I use it for Endometriosis.

I don't appreciate being treated like a child. I don't like being told to take my pills so I don't get pregnant. I should be told to take my pills so I don't start bleeding and have severe pain.

Should I talk to them? Why do they think they can insult my intelligence and my medical conditions? I wouldn't be paying $70 per month if I were using it for an unnecessary purpose (contraception.) I use it so I can have a decent life! Before I was on BCP, I missed a ton of work and school. I need to save money because I start law school in 15 months and the schools I am looking at cost $38,000 per year.




  1. Don't let them treat you like that! Whenever they insult your intelligence, stop them right that moment, and tell them about it. They're being rude to you, so don't feel like you're being rude. And you're right, they have to give your files to you, it's illegal to keep them from you. You should still speak to a clinician, just don't let them treat you like a child.  

  2. ...Does it *matter*? Really? If they're working at PP, they're probably not that prudish. Mostly, from my experience with similar places, they have to go through set routines each time. Because people can sue them if they don't give "full information" i.e. someone gets the pill along with antibiotics because they say they don't want s*x, change their mind, think they're covered because they're on the pill (they're not,m the antibiotics cancel it out, effectively) and wind up pregnant. My doctor said that used to be quite common. So now they just get a script to follow, more or less. And is it really that disrespectful? You and your friends know you better - nod through the speaches and save money. It's a few minutes out of your life. Big deal. Does it matter why they tell you to take pills? They don't know you, they have no way of knowing you mean it when you say you plan not to be sexually active; and probably, don't much care. They just want to do their job, and their job requires them to cover this.

    It's also not especially disrespectful to assume teenagers have s*x. I'm not sure what the terminology on sexuality active is, it might just be from your first sexual experience. You have to start having smears at 25 anyway, regardless.

    I'm basically at a loss for why you come across as so vehemantly anti-s*x, it's almost phobic. Totally respect your reasons for not wanting to have s*x - that's fine - but you hate anyone thinking you might have s*x, seem to hate mentions of it, refer to contraception as an "unnecassary" reason to take a birth control pill, worried about your file... this all seems a bit extreme and touchy to me... I'm sure it can feel different when it's you personally but try taking an objective view of it for a second. In the grand scheme of things, does it matter?

  3. I would be extremely insulted by them ! But if you need to save money, maybe it would be best if you told them that they have no right to talk to you like that. You should also ask to speak to someone who's of higher credibility there so you can re-explain your situation. If it would save you all that money, just bite the bullet and get the birth control there. But I do suggest talking to someone else there.

  4. From a professional point of opinion,,in your case the ends are the reason for the means..By that I mean,,it makes no difference what they think,,what they say,,even what they write..YOU know the real reason that you take the pills,,and the reason your going to PP..Those people there,,really couldn't care less about whomever and whatever reason people go there..However,,there are specific questions they are told to ask and say,,to clients who enter their offices.. Just endure their annoying questions and snide remarks..And remember,,once you have gotten your pills without paying $70 a month, guess who has won? That's right  YOU !!  I wish you well,,and good luck in your new studies in law school !!              SOLOMON

  5. They hear all kinds of stories at PP. I'm sure that many girls go in and make up your condition because they don't want to admit they're having s*x. They've learned that a lot of people lie to them, so to cover their asses, they have to treat everyone like they are sexually active. It's nothing personal, it's just a case of too many girls lying about their condition so that the honest ones (like you) have to suffer the consequences. You may have to suck it up and get your pills there if they're cheaper. It sucks that your insurance won't cover them. I'll bet they cover Viagra!

  6. Lacy Latrice. How many yahoo answer accounts do you have. How often and how many times will you ask the same questions? I have seen you ask the same questions under 2 other accounts for over a month.

    So I will answer your question one last time.

    You get what you pay for. I too had a rather sour experience Bc i work fir a catholic hospital BC is not covered by my insurance. However you see the DR 1x a year and get what you need. It is not compromising my need. I go every 3 months pick up my pills and walk out. I have my own OB thru my insurance that I go see for my annual and any concerns and basically go to PP for my pills. I am in a committed relationship for 7 years. I have had 1  sexual partner. So I am not your typical PP patient and yes I was treated poorly even even after they knew I too was in the medical field.

    It is completely legal for them to take up to 30 days to turn over your records. The information in the records legally belong to you. The actual physical chart belongs to the clinic. Every state has their guidelines on what they can charge for labor and supplies to make the copies for you in the state of Illinois is $20 plus .75 per page for the 1st 25 pages .50 cents for pages 26-50 and .25 any additional pages.

    So either you bite it and get your pills at a discount while still seeing your OB, like you have stated go to walmart and get the generic pills Or pay the $70 for seasonique  

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