
Should I Ignore or Confront?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I had a man become very unprofessional when I came over to work on his website & computer. It was a business meeting but he made it very un-business. He began repeatedly asking me why I hadn't called him even tho I had no reason to (for biz purposes) he then told me that he went all over town looking for me (we live in a town of 20,000 so its easy to bump into people here). He did a few other things like sit in the chair next to me almost surgically attached, then he sent everyone in the office home early (unbeknown to me, as I was in the back office) and came in and said the place was empty, we were all alone. At that point I got up and said I needed to go and at that point he reached out and hugged me in an embracing type of hug. This guy is MARRIED and I am NOT interested and did nothing to send "mixed signals". This behavior came seemingly out of nowhere. I was supposed to go back next week to do more work on the computer but I don't plan on going back.

However NOW he has begun calling my home phone number. So far I haven't answered it when I see him on caller id.

I am feeling very harassed here, and I don't know if I should just keep ignoring his calls or pick up the phone and confront him He knows where I live as my address was on documents since I am self employed so I don't want to make him angry and have him show up here, on the other hand I don't want to seem like an easy target or somehow REMOTELY give him the sense I am leading him on.

Any ideas? Thanks




  1. I did notice was that you didn't say what gender you were. What he did was inexcusable. As soon as he touched you it would have been walking out to your vehicle and calling the police. He is harassing you and that adds fuel to the fire. It's time to get the law involved.

  2. im a guy and would never do this it is very weird

    get the h**l away tell him to f off

    dont mince words tell him straght

    he has got away with it so far so will probally continue

    tell his wife if he looks at you again

    i hate this c**p

    sorry for you

  3. I worked in a unit that handled stalking cases. The standard advice is tell the person you don't want anything to do with him personal or business wise and to stop contacting you period. Then NEVER respond to any of his attempts to contact you and if the calls continue, file a police report of Harrassment, Telephone Harrassment or whatever your particular police agency titles the incident. Then follow up with the assigned detective to insure the subject is contacted by the Detective and his attention is no longer just between you and him.      

  4. Tell him you have found yourself in a situation where you have to many clients and that your significant other (be clear that there is a significant other, even if there isn't) wants you to spend more time away from work.  Be professional, be polite but be firm that you can not help him any longer.  If he continues to harass you then confront him and let him know that you are not interested in continuing to have contact with him.  If that doesn't do the trick then let him know that you think he's hitting on you and that you are not interested....but his wife may be interested to know what he's up to.

  5. you need to confront him. Tell him his behaviour is unwelcomed.

  6. buy a taser, end of story.

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