
Should I Include a short teaching stint on resume?

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I taught at a school, for only two months, and left, after giving my one-month notice. I am not sure on how to handle this on my resume and in interviews.

I left the school because it was out of control, and very isolated, and found it hard to be so far away. I am a bit worried about how to handle this on the resume, and in an interview.

I also thought about not including it on the resume, but I did get some good experience there, and think it would be valuable. Any suggestions?




  1. I would leave it off of your resume if you feel that the focus during the interview may simply be to explain why you left. I was in a similar situation and I choose to not mention this, as I feel it deters from discussing my true strengths. Do you have a lot of other experiences that you can list? I do not think it is a negative that you left the school, but believe that you should focus on other experiences. You don't need to mention every job on your resume. Best of luck.

  2. It's always good to put where you worked- no matter how long or the circumstance.

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