
Should I Lease a Comcast DVR or buy a Tivo?

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if i buy a Tivo , do I still have to pay a monthly service?

Comcast lease will cost me $15 a month.

I am not familiar with DVRs.




  1. Death be to Comcast.  By a Tivo on CL or Ebay.

  2. Yes you still have to pay monthly service, or you could buy a lifetime plan which is a one time fee. I hate my tivo. If I turn the channel with the cable remote tivo keeps recording... The wrong show!  And it randomly recommends c**p that is no where nearly related to what I already record.  I like my comcast DVR better. I have a tivo in one room and DVR in the other. The dvr is easier to use, I can record 2 shows at once, or record one and watch another. It stores alot of shows. Its very simple to use. I think easier than tivo. and doesnt make those annoying DONG sounds.. I say Comcast DVR. I just get so frustrated at the tivo. Also its another controller. And you have to use the tivo controller to change channels and it lags big time. AND You have to plug in the phone cord to the internet or a phone jack to update the new patches and info on the tivo. You do not have to do that with comcasts DVR. SO Get the DVR and save your self the hassle!!

  3. best to get what your cable provider offers, then you are not stuck with it and can take advantage of new technology when it becomes available (vs being stuck with what you purchased full price).

    $15 is lower than i pay.  i think my multi-rooom dvr is $20 per mo

  4. Which one ends up being cheaper in the long run? I would just buy one that way I did not have to pay a monthly fee which will end up costing more.  

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