
Should I Play?

by Guest60202  |  earlier

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Hi, I am a girl, and I love hockey. I am 13 and I want to play the sport. I am a great skater, but I have never been on the ice with a stick before. Is it worth a shot?




  1. Yes. Go for it.

  2. Absoutely--if it's what you want to do, let nothing stop you!

  3. h**l YEA, u'll pick up the stick stuff quickly

  4. Sure, why not? If I sucked at soccer, I know I would have tried hockey! I still wish I kinda did just do hockey for a season, but I'm wayyy to commited to soccer.

    But go for it. Whats the worst that can happen?

  5. I only started playing when I was eleven, and have been playing ever since. I assume you are planning on playing girl's hockey, if at all. In hockey, when you're just starting, one of the most important skills to bring to the table is skating. It's the most basic thing about the sport, and so you already have a great base to develop from. A huge part of the sport is about  skating, especially at the level you'd probably be joining, and so going into the sport already knowing how to skate would be a huge advantage, and give you an edge.

    In girls hockey, not very many girls have been playing forever, and many made the switch from ringette. They as well, carried over the skating part of the game, which helped them at lot as it would you. Girls always join girl's hockey at all different levels, and it's much easier to be accepted on a girls team than a guys one, especially if you're new to the game.

    When I started, I didn't even know how to stop. I've developed so much since then, and being in an all-girls league will help a lot, because you'll be more comfortable, feel more at home, and be at ease. As a girl, it's much easier to join a girls team than a boys, because there the girls are more about the social aspect as well as the time you spend on the ice. So even if you're not the greatest player at the beginning, you can become friends with the girls off the ice and in the dressing room. Whereas if you joined boys hockey, you'd have to work a lot harder to earn their respect, and may feel discriminated against at times cause you're not just 'one of the guys'.

    Learning to stick handle and handle a puck will come relatively quickly for you, as long as you practice hard. You'll catch on fast with a supportive team and good coaches.

    It is definitely worth a shot to try playing hockey, because it's a great team sport and will teach you more than you'll ever know, even basic life lessons.

    Hockey is a great sport, and will forever be a part of who I am, like other people I know that play. Although you may have trouble in the beginning, stick it out at least a few months, and I know that you will learn to love it like i did.

    You'll never know what you're missing until you've tried it, so I say, give it a shot. Because its worth it.

  6. Why Not? If you can skate what the h**l!

  7. It seems you already have the skating down and that's half the battle.

    go for it.

  8. its a great sport give it a try!

  9. Definately, there are probably many youth teams around where you can get better, and improve your stick handling, and shot. It will be difficult in the beginning, but dont give up, because girl hockey players need to get noticed, and improve in numbers compaired to the guys. But definately give it a shot, hockey is really fun and if you already know how to skate then i think you will do just fine. For right now i think you should do some clinics in the summer, and maybe some camps so you get used to the feeling of playing hockey before the real season comes along.

  10. Okayy, I play hockey and I LOVE it!! I say you go for it. It may seem boring at the beginnging. I have been playing for like six-seven years. It is super fun. In the past two years we have went to provintials. That is when you are like the best team in the leauge. Go for it girlyy!

  11. Of course! It's always worth a shot. Good luck!
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