
Should I Report My Teacher?

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Well - Im In 6Form And In Biology, We Have Been Doing s*x Ed And We Were Given A Set Of Homework - We Had To Find 20 Non-Virgins And Ask What Their Favourite Part Of s*x Is eq. o****m, Suckling. And I've Been Wondering - Should I Report Her. If So, Who Do I Report Her To; Police? Hedmisstress? No Body Managed 2 Compleate The Homework And Only 3 Started It As Most Refused.

So - Should I Report Her?

Octaviia x




  1. If this is a real question, yes, report her.

  2. Come cant be serious ? Show your parents the assignment and then let them decide what needs to be done.

  3. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, the best thing you can do without causing serious issues is to go to someone you feel comfortable speaking with whether it's another teacher, your guidance counselor, or the principal, and explaining the situation, saying you do not feel comfortable with these kinds of assignments since you do not feel that they actually help towards learning about your sexual health.

    If you really wanted to know that kind of information, you could just ask your friends.

  4. Wow, I consider this assignment inappropriate and intrusive.  I would not answer your questions either.  I would show the assignment to my parents and tell them how I felt about it and ask them to help you. Perhaps a visit to the teacher, then a visit to the headmistress.

  5. no need to cap every word.

  6. Wow!  This is a dangerous assignment.  Is your teacher a seasoned veteran with several years of experience or a "wet behind the ears"  rookie?  Either way, speak to them about it first to explain your concerns.  If that does not help, take it to the subject areas (in this case I am guessing Science) Department Chairperson.  Then go up from there.

    Simply explain your concerns about this rather than going on a "crusade" to get the teacher removed.  I think you will find that if it is handled quietly, you will get more results.

  7. hmmmmmmmmmmm...............

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