
Should I Start Horse-riding again?

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Hey! I used to go horse-riding but gave up last december (after riding for 5years) due to exams and the weather being cold (the stables where I rode didn't have an indoor school). I really liked it but because of exams i've not gone back. I've recently seen Prince Caspian and I kinda got inspired to go again (stupid I know). I may be moving to live with my Gran in London (see my previous question) so I won't be able to go to my old riding stables because I live in Glasgow and even if i didn't I'd be to embarrased to go back as I intended to go back to riding in January this year after my Mock GCSE's but didn't. I got up to doing jumping and cantering. Should I start again? Private or group lesson? Can any one recommend a good riding school in London? Will I have lost all the skills I learnt? Many thanks




  1. you should start again, but i may take a while for you to get used to it for a while. good luck!

  2. Yes,by all means,do start riding again.I would start with private lessons and after you get accustomed to riding again,switch to group lessons. I don't live in London,so I don't know where the good schools are but just type riding lessons in your search engine and there should be several places to pick from. Best of luck to you!!

  3. yes u shud

  4. Yeah ,, everyone is right


    Just  shut Up And Ride GIRL ,,

  5. yes you should ride again.and you should take private lessons too.then the teacher can consecrate on teaching you.  no you will not forget your old skills but you might have to get used to it again.

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