
Should I Start To Learn The Cornet?

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I am 15 and am about to do my grade 8 violin so you could say i know a bit about music. But recently ive taken an interest in the cornet. Id love to learn it but the problem is, is it too late? Do you think playing the violin will help me to learn the cornet or just create a disaster? Could i please have your advice? Is the cornet a complex instrument?




  1. I play the cornet and I'm 15 and i'm on grade 7. i dont think it's too late to start, aslong as you are willing to put in hours of practice. I disagree with the person above, the violin is not harder than the cornet, it's different, cornet is harder on you physically because you have to blow.(alot)But if you want to try it you should aslong as you are aware it will be quite hard work. :)

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