
Should I Stay With My Boyfriend After He Cheated?

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Well I'm going through a really hard time right now. I'm almost 16 years old and my boyfriend is 18. I met him 5 years ago and we've been together for over a year. Its a long distance relationship. I see him every month or so. When he comes he stays at my house for a week and we have great times together. He is my first love but I don't feel comfortable anymore. When we had a couple months together he cheated on me with this girl I knew and he told me he would never do it again to please forgive him and I did. Like four months after I got a call from one of my friends that goes to his school and told me he had seen him making out and holding hands with another girl, this happened on our 8 months together and I was very upset. I told him I knew everything and I told him to tell me everything. So he did, he told me he has been cheating on me with her and he has been in her room but they didn't have s*x, he apologized crying and promised to never do it again. A month after I found out he cheated on me again with his friends ex and I told him I didn't wanna deal with this and he left me for her. He would still call me to see how I was doing but he would tell me not to say anything to her cause he didn't wanna fight. I found out by the 10th day they were together they were already having s*x, it hurt me like nothing else has ever hurt me before. They broke up after about a month and he came back and promised me he would never do it again cause now he realized how much he has hurt me and he loves me and asked me to give him one last chance. So...I took him back. I am totally falling in love with him but I can't trust him. its been about four months since we got back and I can't forget what he did to me. I sometimes wanna end it because I feel like I've lost a lot of love and respect for him but at the same time is very hard for me to let him go. I'm so confused and I don't know what to do =S what should I do?? I would really appretiate the help!!




  1. you should start dating other guys.  

  2. leave his behind. are u crazy?

    u either leave him & not feel that

    lost of love. or u stay with him & get

    cheated on more. or you can cheat back

    i would feel good. if i did that

  3. OMG...your so young yet...I'd dump him and find someones else, There are plenty of guys out there willing to be true to only you! If you can't trust him then there really isn't much point in continuing the relationship....Move on Girl and GOOD LUCK!

  4. What is like wrong with u? That man is the best thing to ever come yr way. Don't let go hold onto that one and only man that u will ever,ever have. Hold onto him for dear life. If u leave him life will end for u and u will turn into a psycho man hating ***** and no one will ever want u again. Do uwant to b like that? So my dear hold onto the best thing there will ever be in yr pathetic little life....and when he cheats on u again and again and again and again,take it, shut yr stupid mouth and stop complaining until u get some sense.

  5. You took him back way too many times and you keep open up yourself to him to just get yourself hurt again. You should just move on unless you think he's really going to change and is not just lying to you until he finds a new girl that he likes and wants to cheat on you with

  6. No once a cheater always a cheater

  7. once a cheater always a cheater remember that its the truth

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