
Should I Still be paying child supports??

by  |  earlier

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Okay I have been out of work for almost a year now with a back injures..I receive disability pays..Every weeks out of my checks I pay half of it to child support..I thought that when you are out of work because of an injures..The child support people ain't suppose to take any money from you until you go back to works..or until you get your settlements..please give feedback on what you think..should I continue to let them take child support money from my check..or is it against the law for them to do that..




  1. Just because you are injured doesn't mean you can escape your responsibilities.  Your children still require your support and the laws make sure they get it.  You can have it adjusted so it is more reasonable with your income, but you still have to pay something.

  2. whatever money you are getting will be taken for child support. whether it's from working or from disability payments. you owe child support and the money will be taken from your checks there is nothing you can do to stop it. you can't tell anyone to stop taking child support from your disability checks because they won't. sorry to say but the money will keep getting taken because you owe it. God bless and have a great day.

  3. Your child needs provision: food, shelter, medicine regardless of the state of your back or the source of your income.

  4. You are still responsible for paying your support.  They can take a percentage of your income no matter where your income comes from and they can even access any bank accounts with your SS# attached to it to get the childsupport.  They will only take a percentage and then add to your back support.  Your back support adds up even if you are off work for injuries.  

  5. If your support amount seems to high, go back to family court and get it adjusted to a lower amount.

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