
Should I Switch Betta to tank and Goldfish to Bowl?

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Recently my betta fish, Gloopy, got sick and has lost color and is laying at the bottom of the bowl on his side. The bowl is clean, and I have taken out a piece of real coral because I read that it can effect the water? I have been reading already about the sick bettas people have had and learned that they can thrive in the 2.5-5 gallon tanks the best, and I have a 5 gallon tank that we put my Goldfish, Halpert, because he was (what we thought) pretty big... but I am thinking about switching it so Gloopy can live. Halpert is approximately 3 inches long and 1.5-2 cm wide. The betta is regular sized, I can't measure him at the moment... = (. I am wondering if I should switch their tank and bowl, and if I do do I need to change the water and let it sterilize before putting Gloopy in a goldfish's old water or Halpert in a betta's old water? Thanks. Please answer quickly, we are also looking for another tank if needed.




  1. betta fish needs at least 5 gallons despite popular belief.

    goldfish needs 15-20 gallons due to much waste.

    that's with good filtration, too.

  2. I think it's pretty certain that Gloopy is going to die :( I hope that I'm wrong, but as soon as the color is gone, they lay on their side, and are plop at the bottom, they're almost dead, if not already. I wouldn't be too suprised at all if that piece of coral caused this entire thing. Saltwater item only. I'm really sorry, but I don't think there is anything you can do for him now. I don't think that you should go through all of the trouble of putting him in a new tank. Just do what you can with him and wish Gloopy the best. Trust me, you're just going to stress him out even more. Poor little dude. Can you tell if he's still breathing?

  3. Losing color pretty much means that he's gone over the edge.

    And coral? In freshwater? In a bowl?

    Coral is strictly marine, with a need for high-kelvin lighting and optimal water conditions, with coral buffers, proper pH, and calcium.

    Gloopy is dead. I'm pretty certain. However, the goldfish.. keep it in the tank. Goldfish are sloppy fish.

  4. Halpert needs a 20gal. tank and the Betta just needs to get a water change, some water safe put in to get rid of chlorine and a bit of aquarium salt added to his water 1 tablespoon per gal is the dose. He may have a bacterial infection and then you need a fish antibiotic--or he may just be old. Good luck! Edit--yes coral should come out!

  5. Sorry to hear about Gloopy. The only thing I would suggest is to leave him alone and see if he comes out of what-ever it is that he is sick from. Moving him now would cause more stress to him, you don't want to do that. If he should come out of it, and you decide to move him, I would not use the water from the tank that your betta is in, it could be contaminated, and if you switch tanks now, you could risk Halperts health. I would wait untill you find another tank for Halpert, then move your betta ( once he is feeling better ) into the larger tank. Good Luck.

  6. i would propose that you get a better tank for your goldfish and move Gloopy to the goldfish's tank.

    if you just exchange bowls, that's your goldfish that will get sick!!

  7. If your goldfish is shorter than 2 inches long then it is a good idea to switch, otherwise the goldfish will die.

  8. I would think it should be ok to switch them as long as you boil the rocks in a pan on the stove to sterilize them, clean the tank ad bowl, and put clean water in the tank and the bowl. This is the best i can think of, there is still a pretty good chance of your fish dying though. This happened to my Grandpa's fish and it died. Best of luck though.

  9. You should keep you goldfish in the tank that you have it in. And if you don't have a filter, put one in because goldfish mess up the tank way more than any other fish.  You could even get another tank for Gloopy.

    When you clean the tank you always should put clean water and see if they are the same temperature by feeling the water. Also if you use sink water (tap water) always put water conditioner in to get rid of the chlorine in the water.

    Best of luck!

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