
Should I Take a pure psychology course or a Biology with Psychology course??? ?

by Guest34241  |  earlier

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starting uni in 2008 sep. i got into goldsmith to do psychology however just discovered that queen mary which is right down my road (save me a lot of money on travel) offer a biology with psychology course, so i don't know which one to choose.




  1. Well, what are your long term goals for a career in Psychology?  Do you plan to become a therapist or Clinical Psychologist?  If so, then you probably could get by with just the general course.  However, if you want to become a Psychology Researcher and do work in Neuroscience or Physiological/Biological Psychology, then the Biology with Psychology course would best suit you.  The general course will probably be less quantitative than the other course, because the Biology with Psychology course is essentially two sciences- expect to take a lot of statistics courses and research methodology courses if you go this route.

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