
Should I Take the Chance and Go, Or Stay Where I am?

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I really hated my new school

but right now I just started getting use to it

I'm starting to make friends

and today we got our mid-term marks and in math I got a 71% !!! I Hate math, I suck at Math I couldn't believe it!..especially since i'm retaking the same class since last semester I failed with a 40%! that 71% made me feel good and 'hopeful' that I'm actually capable, although at my other classes I'm failing

but then I'm also a Year behind in credits and theres this other school that offers way more credits in one semester comparing to the school I'm in now...(if I go there I can graduate on time)

I still plan to go back to the school I'm in now , next semester....but right NOW I don't know if I should transfer?




  1. Remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side.  Also, transferring over may cause you to lose some credits you have already earned, or you may have to go longer to fulfill their residency requirement.  Don't sweat not graduating "on time" since it is very common for people to take longer than the 4 years the program is designed for.

  2. you should consider talking to your current school counselor first... he might have a solution or provide you a semester plan that would help you graduate on time... In my school district, there is also a "alternative high school" for students who are behind in credits and they usually meet on Saturdays morning s or you can transfer to that school for a couple semesters and catch up...and usually they are able to graduate/walk with their original school.


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