
Should I Tell My Mum?

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I'm only 12 but I've noticed weird changes in my house over the last two weeks. Yesterday my younger sister Georgie(7) found a packet of white powder in my older brothers room. She gave it to me and I haven't told mum yet because I'm scared I'll get Tom into trouble.

I'm pretty certain its some sort of drug but I don't want to cause my mum any panic over nothing; then again what if something happens to him? I'll be to blame, right???

I'm getting really worried about it and I don't know what to do, someone please help me!




  1. You need to tell because if it is drugs then one day a drug deal could go bad and he ends up owing money they could come after him and yall.

  2. YES!!!!!

  3. That probably was drugs, and you should tell your mom. Yes, Tom will get in trouble, but trust me, it's better than having Tom be and addict and a bum for the rest of his life. Not telling your mom would be worse because she won't be able to help Tom with what is going on in his life. If you really love your brother, you'll tell on him. I know it sounds weird but it's true.

    He'll thank you for it later.

  4. tell you mom right away. if it is drugs, you don't want to wait because he could get in trouble with the law, or he could overdose and fie. TELL HER RIGHT NOW!!!!!

  5. dont go snitch on ur brother he gonna get in trouble there a reason why he aint tellin your mom and besides you neva now it may not even be a drug  

  6. Tell your mom and if it turns out to be nothing and you get blamed say my friend kasey said i should tell

  7. Go talk to another adult. Maybe your aunt. or a trusted teacher.

  8. If you know about this you NEED to tell your mom. You wont get in trouble. Say georgia gave me something from Toms room and i believe it maybe cocaine or some other drug. If you brother is using then yeah he may get mad at first but depending on how addicted he may be if he really is you could save his life and get him clean. Tell your mom and be safe. That is a big thing and you should definitely talk to your mom about it.

  9. you should try talking to your brother explain to him you dont want to see him get hurt or even worse pass away, ask him what the white powder is, if he says none of ur buisness threaten you will tell ur mom  

  10. tell you mom. its best. if it is drugs, itll be to his benefit.  

  11. you need to tell her. she does not need to be around that and neither do you or your sister. im sorry but your brother is putting you in a very complrimising situation. if the cops or anyone were to find out about it your brother could go to jail for a long time. however if you tell your mom she help him without him going to jail. what would you rather? please make the right choice!

  12. okay thisis kind of serious. Do not let your brother knwo you have it and don;t let your sister tell him. Why don't you put the drug where your mom ALWAYS looks, like maybe the hamper, her jewlery box just somewhere you knwo she will find it. This will make it look like your mom found it and if she asks you about it say you didn't want to tattle you wanted it to be subtle so your brother wouldn't be mad at you. I hope i helped, best of luck.

  13. tell your Mom!

  14. He's gonna f*ck himself up and be a drug addict

    So tell your mom RIGHT NOW.


  15. I think you should talk to your brother about this first. It's his stuff and you should make certain it's a drug of some sort. Don't just accuse him and cause a big scene. Then if you can tell he is lying, threaten that you will tell your mom.  

  16. tell your mom, you wouldnt want something bad to happen thats drug related to your brother. if it is drugs..

    show her it and ask what she thinks it is, and say you found it

    dont immediately tell her its your brothers

    if she asks again where you found it, say your sister found it in toms room

    i wouldnt want anything to happen to my brother if i found something suspicious

  17. What if your 7 year old sister had decided to try the powder instead of giving it to you?  You need to tell your Mum or some other adult that you trust.  If he has drugs in the house your sister could get really hurt.  If it is not drugs, then your brother won't get in trouble and no harm was done.  You have to look after your little sister before thinking of your big brother's feelings.

  18. Tell her! You could be the one to save his life.  

  19. yes. be a tattle teller

  20. tell your mom

  21. You have to tell somebody, but dont tell your brother.  He needs help, before he has a drug related death

  22. Speak to your brother about it first, confront him about this white powder you fount, tell him if you don't get the truth out of him, you'll tell your mother.

    If it turns out to be a drug then tell him he needs to stop or he has to tell his mother so he can get help with his possible drug addiction.

    Good luck.

    Ask Phoebe.

  23. tell your mum the sooner it is dealt with the better    

  24. You need to tell your mom,you could save your brothers life by telling here now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Man I remember when my brother started smoking weed, he was your age.  I never told on him.  Well when he was 15 he was arrested for possesion and I finally told my mom that he had been doing it for years.  I knew all his hiding spots.  I regret not saying something sooner.  You should tell.

  26. If you cant tell mum, tell some one else straight away. It might save him from serious trouble or worse

  27. Give it to your mom and tell her. You will be doing a good thing. It might save your brothers life.

  28. If you really think about, youll do the right choice. Because if you really care about your family, safety, and dont want this situation getting worse, you KNOW what the right thing is.

  29. Take the dope for ur self, Tom wont get in trouble and the evidence is gone.

  30. tell your Mom

    it is the right thing to do

  31. Tell your mum but ask her not to tell ur bro that it was u that told on him.
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