
Should I Try Ballet?

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Lately I've been thinking about trying ballet, but first I have a few questions:

Is it really hard? Like it will take all my free time in order to become good at it?

I'm a runner so my legs arepretty strong. Will that help?

I'm also not flexible. Is that bad?

Is it fun?

any other helpful information is greatly appreciated





  1. Yes, ballet is hard (some say it's harder than football and I'm pretty sure it's the hardest genre of dance - just to let you know but don't get discouraged at all!)

    Strong legs will definitely help (but you might have to give up the running because too much running and dancing could seriously injure your knees - I had to give track up because of that)

    Flexibility helps - I would work on that and post another question about stretches if you want some helpful stretches to do

    Yes, it's fun - if you like it.  Some people find it too hard or boring or upright and strict but others (like me) love it and would never do anything else.  It's all very variable and depends on the person.

    Just go and have fun, work hard, laugh a lot at your mistakes, don't take everything too serious but don't laugh everything off, learn from everything, shoot for the stars, and good luck!

  2. yeah ut's really hard and if you want to be really good at it, you'll have to do it everyday for a couple hours.  the strength in your legs will probably help but the muscles you use in ballet are a lot different than the muscles you use in running so you'll definitely have to work on training different muscles.  not being flexible might will make things deficult.. that's something you'll need to work on.  and yes it's fun.  it's a lot of hard work but i love it.  i think you should give it a try.  if you don't like it you can always quit.  good luck

  3. 1. well its not easy! u have to be dedicated and determined! it will take a lot of time if u want to continue it throughout ur life or if u get in a fairly high level.

    2. it will help to have strong legs and ankles and feet!

    3. flexibility is a large part, but if u practice and work hard flexibility will come! dont worry about it!

    4. i personally LOVE it! cant imagine life without it!

  4. ballet is kinda hard you just have to really really practice...a lot

    strong legs can help. its not bad that u aren't flexible but it would help more if you were. it can be fun. to me it wasn't that fun but i learned that ballet isn't my thing but it could be yours.

    oh also pay attention to the "vocabulary" in ballet. sometimes the teacher can just say what they want you to do and if you don't know what that word means you wont get the move and the teacher will know that you weren't listening

  5. Ballet can be tough but if you have a desire to do it it wouldn't seem that hard. If you practice on your one it will get easier. It wouldn't take up all of your free time, you can take one class a week or as many as you want. I have been dancing for 10 years and I'm not that flexible any flexibility that I have I've had to work for, so no flexibility wouldn't matter it will come with time. And yes it is TONS of fun!!! I love it may seem boring at first but stick with it! It will become a lot of fun! Once you get into the harder stuff!

  6. it depends on how old u r, how good your feet r and if you are a well disciplined person. It is fun for some but it does take lots of work, but it wont take up 100% of your time. You do have to work hard at it . Some people think its fun becuase they enjoy expressing themselves artistically. But if you arent good with listening practicing and dedication it might not be for you.

  7. -ballet can take as much or little time as you want- from one hour/week up to several hours/day. you will need to practice at home if you really want to improve!

    -really strong quads. can actually make dance harder-youll need to put in a lot of time stretching, but youll be fine!

    -you can start stretching on your own before you start a class, so you can be more in shape.

    -while ballet class isnt a "social" activity, you will make friends at your studio/in your class. youll become more in shape and graceful tho!!! i recommend it!!!!

  8. ballet isnt too hard. i only have one class a week and im already en pointe and i started 2 years ago. if you wanted to get very serious, you would probably take 3-4 classes a week. being a runner will definitely help. you need the right muscles to do a lot of jumps and turns. If your not flexible, its not a bad thing, but it helps to be. you can always stretch! (but not overstretch) to be flexible. and last but not least, it is very fun! you meet lots of new people and friends. its really fun to express yourself through dancing!
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