
Should I Volunteer in Bangkok or vacation in Hawaii for winter vacation?

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tialand would look great on my applications for medical school, but my family would go to Hawaii without me. I've never been to Asia or Hawaii.




  1. Thailand. The new scenery would be like a vacation and like you said it'll look great on med. school applications. You will have a bunch more vacation opportuniteis with your family.

  2. I would just do what makes u happy

  3. Your chances of going to Hawaii is greater anytime than you going to Bangkok or any place in Asia.  Knowing that Air fares will continue to rise, it would be much cheaper to go to Bangkok now than to wait later because the Air fares to Hawaii will still be cheaper than Bangkok. Plus if you wait it might be too late to rake up a resume.

    The choice is, Volunteering or Vacation. Which will give you the the resume for your applications for Medical school and which is the most important?

    Jobs/employment are not a guarantee the way it is going today.  But those who are best educated and in speciality fields are in greater demand that will be employed the longest.  While the doors are open take every opporunity to get what you need on your applications for medical school.  Whether you make it or not, there will always be room for vacations.

    Good luck in your choice

  4. That is a tough one........i would say go to Hawaii and then go to Bangkok later......ur family's only going once and u can volunteer whenever.  Do what you think is right though!

  5. Hawaii, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Seriously though, you aren't even out of school yet, you have a full life ahead of you filled with working and not really having time to enjoy yourself. Go to Hawaii and enjoy yourself.

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