
Should I abstain from s*x my whole life if I am not religious?

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I don't see the point of having s*x because I think that I am too ugly to get a girlfriend in the first place. I am 16 and am already planning on never having s*x because I simply can't imagine myself getting a girlfriend, getting married, and then having s*x. It is much easier imagining myself being single the rest of my life, with a successful job. I am shy and I believe that I am ugly, although girls somehow think I am handsome, seeing as how many of them have complimented my looks.




  1. You are only 16 and already you are thinking of marriage and not having a gf.  Wait until college you'll find someone its too soon for you right now you need to worry more about your future then your s*x life.

  2. Get a job, be successful, dont get married. You will be more happy, and then later on in life u will meet someone who is RIGHT for you, then spend your life with her.

  3. U need help.

    Even if you do think your ugly some girls think your handsome.

    If they aint to bad looking themselves why not go for it.

    Abstainance is for pussys and religious nut jobs.

    Get some confidence and have some fun lol

  4. First off you need to get that ugly stuff out of your mind.  There is someone out there for you that thinks you are the most s**y man on earth.  Its ok to be shy but you dont have to down yourself just because of that.  Religious or not, if you want to have s*x, you will have it.  If you dont, than that is your decision.  I think you really need to have more confidence in yourself and just let life take its course and you will experience love and s*x and whatever else you want to.

  5. it's not all about looks. for some people it is, but the ones that matter count personality first.

    it's your choice if you want to stay single or never have s*x...but if you're only choosing that because you think you're ugly, then you haven't thought it through.

    you're only have plenty of time to do all these things. sure, you say you don't want to now. but that might change in a few years.

    if someone compliments you, take the compliment. i hate when guys argue with me after i give them a compliment. and not having confidence is extremely unattractive.

  6. You are depressed, my friend. Seek medical help and talk with a good friend or  family member. This is not a good thing, and can get worse.

  7. Give yourself time.  As you get older you will realize that phsyical looks are not everything.  you will find someone who will love you for you.  You are 16, don't map out your entire life just yet

  8. you sound a bit depressed which might be why no one would want to have s*x with you

  9. That's an image issue. Especially if people are complimenting you.

    Plus, you're 16 - that's nothing. The first thing I'd recommend is act like you don't care about your appearance or that you are hot. It doesn't actually matter whether you are or not, the confidence is the big kicker there.

    Plus, you almost certainly won't abstain for your entire life, simply because it is harder RESISTING s*x ultimately in life than it is getting it.

  10. Dude? Are you serious? Your 16 and a male, you have more than 10 years before the stupid part is over. At least I hope so, I'm 27 and this is getting old. My point is I have you by ten or so and I still have a heap to learn. I didn't lose my virginity till i was 17. The only big decision you need to concern your self with at the moment is, what you want to do for a living. Everything else is gravy after that.    

  11. You need to quit putting yourself down...

    Don't be so pessimistic...

    I'm sure there are tons of girls out there that would want to be with you...

    Don't forget you are also in high school...

    Things change when you get older...

    Especially when you go to college...

    Go out and live life quit lowering your own self-esteem and go out and do something to boost it...

    If you really feel like being abstinent your whole life then so be it...

    Its your own decision...

    However if you are making that decision based on your beliefs of being too ugly and not being able to find a girlfriend then it is definitely the wrong decision...

    There is someone out there...

    Don't doubt yourself so much..

  12. haha. you're going to want to have s*x one day.

  13. First off no i have been in your place and believe  me you just got to act confident and you will have girls all over you thats what it did i just one day said **** it im gonna be a different person from now on and i ended up with a great job sucessful career and a beautiful wife. well that was after i went thru my little phase of sleeping with everything that walked talked and had a v****a.

  14. If other people think your handsome , you are! The key to this is to beleive in yourself. If you don't beleive you are handsome or will ever get a girlfriend then your the only person stopping yourself from doing that. =) Hope i helped good luck

  15. if a girl asks you out on a date or something someday just say yes and try it    youll change your mind eventually

  16. you've asked this question many times today

    go get help

  17. This is not true ......... no one on this planet is ugly....everyone is met to be loved...

    you are not ugly it is all in your head.

    try not to be shy and you will find your way.

    Good Luck.

  18. AGAIN WITH THIS STUPID QUESTION.  What is this, 20?  30 times you've asked this question?

    I agree -- don't have s*x.  God forbid, you might reproduce.  

  19. You should have s*x if you can get it and I'm sure you will be able to but, do the world a favor and wear a condom.  We don't need you reproducing.

  20. be confident, girls are attracted to confident guys, not cocky, but confident! you'll have s*x...even the ugliest have s*x at least once!

  21. There is no pressure to make that decision! You don't have to resolve to have s*x or not, just take life as it comes. :)

    And don't worry about your looks. If girls say you're handsome than you probably are, but I know it's hard to build up self-esteem when you can't see it yourself. Perhaps seek some help or counselling over this, if it's a real problem. Besides most girls go for more than looks, and the ones who don't aren't probably the best girls to be with in the first place. :)

    Be optimistic: you never know what's going to happen! I'm shy too, but that doesn't mean you have to be lonely. :)

  22. the way you look at 16 is definitely not the way you will look for the rest of your life!  Most guys grow until their early 20s.  Certainly you don't have to make a decision today if you will ever get married.  I know high school is a difficult time, but at least for me college was waaaay better.  Try to hang in there, and strive to be a man of character.  Real women don't just want to marry a handsome face, but a guy who is sincere, gentle, kind, a good leader, courageous, etc.

  23. dude you are only 16, don't give up on girls for all i know you may turn out to be a late bloomer

    just workout and be confident and not so depressed all the time

  24. It's your life.

  25. Number one you are in high school. Things CHANGE after high school. Get out on your own go to college and live your life. If being single the rest of your life makes you happy and truly happy then do it. Don't sit here and predict to be single because you think a girl will never want to be with you. I would just focus on your life right now and doing what makes you happy. Then in the end it will all fall into place. Good luck!

  26. U need to stop doubting yourself or all those things might happen

    u never know what gonna happen

    so you should stop thinking all these things because to me confidence is what i look in a person (mostly in a boy that i want)

  27. Maybe ur g*y??

  28. Actually not focusing on s*x is healthy. You can focus on your studies and the rest of the world better.  Girls will always be around for friendship. If they do not want to become friends first respect her space.

    They is always a girl out there where you can share things in common with. It might then turn into a relationship. If it doesn't turn into a relationship stay friends and focus on the things you personally like best.

    Like a job, hobbies, etc...

    There is no need to have s*x or m********e to ejaculation for health reasons. The body can happily cope with unused sperm, with no impact on fertility or s*x drive.


    Look at a woman without lust by understanding what each part of their body is actually used for. Wait until marriage for s*x.

  29. omg how culd u ever live a life like tht  poor poor child u must have s*x every1 has to get laid once in thr life u dont need to have a gf to get laid go to clubs hoes prsotitutes pay or just jack off

  30. The only reason I'm answering this question despite how stupid it sounds is because I decided to eat to much ice cream so I'm very hyper and can't go to sleep. First of all, there is a difference between priest/nun type abstinent and being abstinent until you're married, whether you're religious or not. You're only 16. Don't predict your entire life just yet. You still have 80 years left to live (if you're lucky). Here's an example, my mom didn't date anyone until she was got out of COLLEGE (had first date at 24) even though she was very very hot. I ought to know I saw her pictures from when she was 20-40. And she ended up marrying a man (my dad XD) who lived on the other side of the PLANET at the age of 38 and moved there (my mom grew up in SOUTH KOREA, my dad in America). No one ever saw it coming, not even them. Any way, if you're really not good looking then people wouldn't be giving you compliments. Society today makes such a big deal about looks it's an overkill. Hey, I don't think I look good either (mainly because I don't care) but all my classmates think I look prettier then them even though I don't wear makeup, wear skimpy clothing, or even do my hair for 2 hours.  Seriously, even if you're just decent looking, true confidence can make a person "glow."  That and teens have a tendency to make others look 10xs more dashing then they really are and make themselves (yourself in your case) look 10xs worse then they really are. Kinda like when a model looks in a mirror- instead of a 100lb chick they see a 500lb Jaba the Huttess. Anyway, the point is looks don't completely matter and you've lived less than a fourth of your whole life, assuming you die of old age. Although I have to agree with the others, you sound like you're a little depressed. Work out some- the endorphins (pleasure chemicals that are released from doing labor/physical activities that make you swet and drop near death) will kick in eventually lol But seriously, save your first time for the girl you marry (and is "the one"). It'll be much more special that way.

  31. There is someone out there for anyone.  Seeing how you are getting compliments, I really see no problem with you getting a girl.  Its your self esteem you need to work on.  Remember-women love a confident man.

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