
Should I accept help? I am too proud!? and im suicidal?

by  |  earlier

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I am 15, and my life at home is total h**l. My mom is a drunk, and she drives me insane. She is homophobic, and cruel to me. I love her, but I always have to take care of her when she drinks. And my dad doesnt help the situation, either. I have cut myself before, and I was really suicidal the other night. I posted a blog saying goodbye, that I couldnt handle things anymore. Then, I got a call in the middle of the night. It was my long-lost aunt, and I barely know her. She is so sweet, and she has the BEST family. She lives hours away, but she told me that if I ever need help, that I can call her day or night, and that if I wanted, she would fly me over there to stay for awhile. It sounds tempting, but I just dont know......I am ashamed, but I have a tiny bit of pride left, and I just dont know if I should go or not. I havent told my mom, but honestly, I would love to be with my aunt and her family, if only for a few weeks. What should I do??




  1. Go for it.

    At least for a few weeks it will do you good

    good luck!

  2. Sounds like you are trying to be the grown-up in your family and that`s wrong.

    Dont let misplaced pride stop you enjoying a few weeks with your aunt. Look on it as a holiday and a time to evaluate where you want to go from here.

    Good luck.

  3. Go you deserve to be happy

    Please can you answer my question I Scared :(



  4. get your aunt to help you your mom is sick and needs help and alcoholism is a disease and there is no cure. if your aunt will let you stay with her then go your sick from this disease also i grew up in an alcoholic home and they will bring you down with them . try alateen in your town its a good self help program and its anonymous so whats said and who goes there is hushed .

  5. you should go to your aunt for a while and calm down. Let your parents know you are sick of it and how far this is gone to. If they still don't change then you are save at least. This way your suicidal temptings will fly away as well. Don't let your pride take over you, but think what is best for you and where will you be happier.

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