
Should I adopt?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a single mom with an 11 month old son, and I've been debating if I should adopt another child. I have always wanted to adopt, but I wonder if I should wait til my son is older?




  1. If you have enough money to raise to children, I say go for it!  Your son is 11 months old now but the adoption process usually takes awhile.

  2. If you are questioning the timing it is probley a little off. I can tell you from expierance that becoming an adoptive mother is a long - hard- road. But worth all the sweat and tears. If the dream is in your heart you'll know when the timing is right.

  3. I'd say it depends on how much support you have with caring for the child(ren).

    Do you have family and friends nearby who can babysit or stay with your child(ren) when you need a break or want to go out?

    Are you financially secure enough to be able to hire a nanny to help with child care?

    Have you joined any kind of single parenting support goup?

    If you answered yes to most of these questions, I say go for it. But 2 kids are a lot more work, but hav you have the resources and support, I say go for it.

    Good luck!

  4. wow. don't you have enough on your plate?

  5. Well its up too you did you ever think of fostering a child? maybe you can foster a child a lil older then your son and they can play togerther ..and maybe you can adopt the child later and they can grow up together as brothers or brother and sister.. theres so many children in foster care that need good  careing homes good luck on what ever you do.......

  6. That's entirely up to you, there are pro's and cons to any age gap between siblings.  If he's 11 months now, by the time another child was introduced to the home I think it would be quite a nice age gap.

    I have a small age gap between my children and it was hard work in the baby years but they are very close and I wouldn't have done it differently

    It's a personal decision based upon your circumstances and I do believe an adopted child deserves a stay at home mom

  7. yes if you want to have the children close in age and have them grown up together, it will reduce sibling spats to.

  8. No

  9. If it is something you really want to do and know you can handle, do it. I have 2 kids and though they are twins, it is definitally crazy but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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