
Should I adopt this dog?!?

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hey I am thirteen years old, and I went to my Animal Shelter Job for the first time today. There were 5 dogs to choose from to train. Everyone else picked the cutest, dogs. There was one dog left. her name is Frannie, and she is a Senior dog. I chose her, and discovered she has the most Spunky Personality. I want to adopt her. I told my mom, and my dad and they said "We'll see." I have two Dogs already, and i think she would be a wonderful addition! should i or not, adopt her. She is 7 Years old, and has been at the Shelter for two years.




  1. i think it would be nice since shes a senior and will at least have a chance at a good home before she meets her maker.

  2. AWWWWW Mom and Dad please get her she is a Beagle and they make great family members..

  3. well..,just for me.i will not adopt already had 2 dogs...

  4. aww she's really cute! I think that you should adopt her, as long as ur parents are ok with it!

  5. As long as your parents are ok with it, sure! Looks like a nice & happy dog that would enjoy the rest of her life with you! Go for it!!!  

  6. aww yeah. she is beautiful, adopt her. i have a soft spot for senior dogs at animal shelters because i started working at a humane society in dec. and fell for a 10 year old (or so they think, i think hes younger) senior yorkie/pom mix not long after i started working there. i adopted him, best decision ever. he is incredibly well mannered and hes house-trained and i didnt have to go through the terrible puppy stage of biting and chewing on things with him. those are good points to bring up with your parents. good luck, i hope you get her : ]  

  7. If your folks say it is okay and you can handle 3 dogs at home, then do it!Make sure she will get along with your other 2 . Maybe the shelter will let you and your parents bring the other dogs for a meeting before you decide to bring her home.If it goes well, you will give Frannie a good home for the rest of her life. She looks adorable! Good luck.

  8. awww shes so cute yes you should!!!!!

  9. yes you should, everyone needs a home!

  10. aw! you should get her!

    if she has been there for 2 years then i doubt anyone will want her.

    so many people don't want a senior dog. they want puppies. gosh! but if you want her and can take care of her i say...go for it :D

  11. Absolutely

  12. your thirteen and you have a job at the shelter?!?! how is that possible? how'd you get it cuz im 15 and they didnt even let me voulunteer??? reply please. oh and to answer your question---it depends how your handling your other two dogs. if your responsible and feel ready to get another one then i say you should. shes cute <3

  13. Adopt her!

    She is as cute as ever!

    You may want to think it over a little.

    How do you think your dogs are going to take a new dog in the house?

    Do you have time to take care of them all?

    I think it's wonderful that you are going to adopt her.

    It ridiculous how people look on appearances instead of personality.

    She has spent 2 years in that shelter.

    It's time for a chance and a change

  14. Yes, you need to adopt that dog, she is a beagle or beagle mix and two years is way to long to be at a shelter, she still has a lot of years in front of her, give her a home and get her away from shelter life. Let her live out her life knowing that she is loved instead of being locked in a cage.

  15. Oh muh G's YES YES YES!

    saving a pet from a shelter is awesome

    you help a pet and you get a Friend !

  16. sounds good to me .

  17. If you continue to work at an animal shelter, you're going to see a million dogs and cats that you will fall in love with.  They need your interaction and love as much as homes.  While it would be GREAT if you could adopt Frannie, if this bothers your parents at all as far as "will she want the next dog and the next and the next", then you shouldn't.  Your time and work volunteering at the shelter is valuable.  

  18. If she's from a shelter, YES!

  19. shelter dogs always need adopted! ESPECIALLY if she's been there for 2 years.  she's needs a home where she will be loved and she can have fun.  

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