
Should I allow my daughter to go to the cinema?

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About an hour ago I found out my daughter has stolen £5 from my purse and spent it on sweets, it was only after finding the sweets which she denied all knowledge of in her coat after she went to the shop for some milk that this crime has come to light, but she did not admit to it until I threatened to take her back to the shop to review the shops tapes to prove she either brought them or stole them, now a friend of hers has called her and wants her to go to the cinema this afternoon and she would like £15 to go.

I have said due to her stealing and lieing this morning No but she has spent the last 10 mins crying like a two year old and saying I am unfair and a bad mother for not letting her go.

Should I reward her criminal act and let her go to the cinema so she grows up to believe that she can have her own way whatever she does with no consequences or syick to my guns and teach her theft is wrong and should be punished?




  1. OMG

    Do NOT let her have her way, it's 100% natural for a 13 year old to say all sorts of hideous things to their parents, but unless you want your teen to turn into some criminal theft or some other ghastly person to society, suck up the insults and take care of the discipline.  In time, when she learns and grows out of it with your help, and grows up to be a decent young person, she'll thank you for it.

  2. don't let her ago she is being ungrateful and if you let her go she will know in future that she can get away with anything ground her and don't let her out that's what my mum dose and it works i have respect for my mum and your daughter Will when she gets older and realises what she done was wrong

  3. dont let her go

  4. Let her go, she will probably only get more angry at you for not letting her go, she'll think you don't trust her and you're treating her like she's stupid, maybe you could make her work for the money so then she's not just getting it handed to her. And maybe the less bad deeds she does leading up to every time she wants money the less she'll have to work to get it.

    Or something like that...

  5. dont let her go or she'll start to think that she can get whatever she wants by crying

  6. You've already said no, so definately not. If you let her go she'll start to walk all over you.

  7. Go with your instincts! Don't back down or she'll think she can cry her way out of anything!

    Good luck with the tantrums!

  8. Don’t let the crying deter you, tell her she is grounded, and when she is ready to talk you will listen, Then leave it up to her to come to you.

    She should also pay back the money somehow in jobs around the house,

    Be a friend as well as her Mum,

    Good luck

  9. I would not let her go.  If i stole from my mother, then I would feel really bad, and I wouldnt want her to let me out.  I think that she knows she's done wrong. And you should punish her for that.

  10. children must learn that stealing is unacceptable , and there is a consequence for their actions  , £5 ($10) could be just the start , buckle to her demands this time and you are only making a rod for your own back , ground her until she has earned your trust , there is bound to other things she will want to do in the near future , these can be used as bargaining tools to help contain her future behaviour

  11. She is crying to make you feel bad,

    Why the h**l should she get MORE money off you when she has already taken some from you without permission..

    Stick to your guns, dont reward her for theft or she will think she will get away with it in the future!

  12. Tell her firmly 'no' and when she cries just ignore her.

  13. She behaved badly and needs to be punished.  Who cares if she is crying and saying you are a bad mother. She is only doing that to make you feel guilty. Children know how to manipulate their parents, and if you allow her to go, then what are you teaching her?  You are teaching her that she can get away with anything...  So, tell her tough, she is not going and make her do things around the house.  When she gains your trust back, THEN maybe you will allow to to do things, until then be strong!!

  14. The last time I stole money from my parents (forty dollars when I was ten) I got in so much trouble that I told myself I would never do it again. Now, four years later, I've still been true to myself... well, I do take a dollar here and there for soda, lmao. But still.

    You should punish her so severely that she remembers this every time she's tempted to steal money from you.

  15. Please do not let her go, if you say she can't go earlier you must stick to that punishment, otherwise she may do the same again. Tell her that because of what she has done earlier she can not go, and if she starts crying again leave her alone, you are not a bad mother for sticking to your punishment, but remeber to explain to her why she can't go.

  16. yhhhh!

  17. No way, do not let her go. Teenagers love to make us feel terrible when they want their way. Ignore her insults and crying, she will get over it. She doesnt deserve to go anywhere after doing what she did.

  18. so what she wants to cry she can cry don't let her go to the cinema she has to learn from her mistakes.

  19. dont let her go. itll teach her not to do it agen n she will realize that she cant get her own way all the time xx

  20. My 13 year old sisters like that.

    Dont leave her.

    Dont give in to her.

    Shes just twisting you around her finger.

    If you leave her get away with it the first time it will just progressivally get worse...


    Good luck

  21. Stand up to her. She is crying to get her way. You let her go then forget any authority you have over her she will see you as a wimp.

    You stand up to her now and next time she will respect your authority. You surrender she will take this as she has the power. Stealing £5 today could be boyfriend from h**l tommorow and all you can do is watch powerless.

    I would punish her further for crying and making a racket.

  22. I wouldn't let her go - she has been grounded, if you let her go she knows she has won and will do it again, she will tell you how horrid you are etc, but what would you do if it got worse and the police turned up at your door because she stole something. Let her cry, she will soon get bored and don't let her see that its annoying you, stick to your guns.They get worse as they get older.

  23. No, you're right, stick with it. She is going to cry and have a tantrum because she wants you to change your mind, but how she will learn her behaviour was wrong if you give in to her? Stay strong on this one!

  24. No she definately needs punished for this, £5 could soon turn into £20 if you dont put your foot down now.  If you give in she will think she can behave in whatever way she wants, stick to your guns

  25. stick to your guns, she needs to know that stealing is not acceptable and more importantly that she must respect you and wot you say

  26. i wouldnt let her go...crying should not get her way......stand up for what you belive will make the right choice

  27. she can cry all she wants but you shouldn't let her go. She stole from you! Plus now she wants more money from you? stand up to her and tell her no and maybe next time she will just ask for the money.

  28. dont let her go because her behavior will get worse

  29. don't let her go.

    if not, she'll never learn.

    that's what my parents have always done to me when i dont behave.

    after a while i get over it, and realize why.

    it makes me be better so i can get to do more stuff.

    answer mine? please;...

  30. NO WAY!!!!!!!!! ground her, if you let her go then she's gonna think she can do it again and get away with it.

  31. youve done the right thing

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