
Should I allow my dog to mother my cats babys?

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My sisters cat just had kittens yesterday, and my dog is acting like their her responsiblity. She will clean them, and try and get into the basket with them while the mother cat is using the litter box or something, and she hasn't left their side since they came. Right now as we I write this she has her head inside the basket sleeping with them. She is completely harmless, and the mother cat isn't bothered at all because they are like best friends, and she just lets my dog l**k them up as she lays there and sleeps. Its really cute, but should I allow it? I don't know if its unhealthy at all??

Thanks for your help!




  1. As long the cat doesn't mind and she still feeds her kittens [as your dog wouldn't be able to do that part] then it's absolutely fine. It's like having a live in babysitter!

  2. yes you should let them if the cat isn't bothered by it i think that is great let them be they will be fine

  3. That is so beautiful! There is no conflict here between the real mother and the surrogate one, really this is a non issue, just let them share motherhood if they are happy doing it. This happens naturally within some species in the the wild and across species iÌ n the zoo.  You are very lucky :-)). Enjoy it!



  4. yeah if she Will and the mom cat wont than let her  

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