
Should I always call God "Allah" or is it ok to call him Lord as well? ?

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Also--even if I haven't converted to Islam *yet* does Allah still hear me when, throughout the day, I make Du'a (spelling?) and ask him for forgivness and the likes? Or am I just wasting my time?




  1. 017.110 Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."

  2. I feel more comfortable using the term "God" as that was the word I used growing up. It's okay!

  3. you have got enough answers but I would like to answer too.

    its ok to call Allah as Lord or God. now what matters is your intention. like when you call out to a God, who is your god? who is the god you are referring to...if its Allah, then indeed its Allah, your Lord.

    What matters most is the intentions and thinking of a person. if your heart is pious, if you have made yourself understand that Allah is the only God,and if you pray to him with the true heart, and somewhere you have these intentions of reciting shahadah, means, converting to Islam, then inshaAllah Allah will listen to your prayers ~!

  4. 17:110

    Say, "Call Him GOD, or call Him Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." You shall not utter your Contact Prayers (Salat) too loudly, nor secretly; use a moderate tone.


    God is fully aware of EVEN the innermost thoughts.


    Say, "Whether you conceal your innermost thought, or declare it, GOD is fully aware thereof." He is fully aware of everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omnipotent.


    God is closer to the jugular vein.


    We created the human, and we know what he whispers to himself. We are closer to him than his jugular vein.


    Whether you make your prayer (Dua) aloud or deep inside your heart, God is FULLY aware of it.

  5. Sister you can call Allah (SWT) whatever you want. Think of him as your beloved, your best friend. One who will always listen to you, no matter what language you speak in, no matter when you speak to him, no matter how you speak to him.

  6. You call unto Allah through his 99 names too ;)

    Insha'Allah (God-Willing) He will, if you don't me asking why have you not reverted as yet...?

  7. The name is not the Reality behind the name. The truth is behind all names and forms, and lies within your innermost core. Conversion is of the mind, but true wisdom is of the depths.

  8. Yeah, I say Lord a lot. Allah calls himself Lord/Raab in Surah Fatiha, the first surah in the Quran.

    Allah is As-Sami’, the All-Hearing.

    Never stop asking for mercy from Allah. Du'a is never ever a waste of time.

  9. Use Allah. Afterall this name comes from the statue god worshipped at the Kaaba, going around the Kaaba, performing sacrifices all come from the pagan practices.

    If muhammad did not care for a specific name, then he would have left the name same as the Christian or jewish God.

    This God is Different my friend.

  10. Salam for you my dear friend.You are better to say Allah than God or Lord because Allah call himself Allah no other God than Allah.Allah has 99 good names such as Ar Rahiim or most merciful Al Malik or the King of Kings,Al Quddus ot the most sacred etc.If you do not converted to Islam I think Allah will not hear you,because Allah hates the kafirs.If you become a good muslim,you should understand and practise in your daily life the life guide given by Allah that is Qur'an and given by the last prophet and messenger of Allah that is Hadits of Muhammad pbuh.Allah will not hear your dua throughout the day if you do not believe in Allah and Muhammad pbuh and obey to all instructions and prohibitions of Allah as stated in the Qur'an such as praying on time at least 5 times a day,pay zakat,give infaq,fasting during ramadan,no lying,no cheating,no insulting,no arrogancy etc Without those spoken above you are only wasting your valuable time

  11. It is ok to call Him the Lord, He calls Himself that in the Qur'an.

    And yes, He can hear you make du'as and not only that, He knows your inner thoughts as well,not just what you speak.

    There is no such thing as wasting time when it comes to asking Allah for favors.

  12. Dear sister

    Allah is good to say

    and Yes Allah is listening your Duaa keep going on you did not waste your time Best of luck

    and Congrates to be a Muslim soon

  13. God/Allah/Lord is the same thing. Use whichever you like but with a loving heart. Peace, Love and Blessings!

  14. Kitaab At-Tawheed, Chapter: 49

    Allah's Words: " The Most Beautiful Names Are For Allah, So Call on Him by Them"

    Allah, Most High says:

    " The most beautiful Names are for Allah, so call on Him by them, but shun those who deny His Names" (Qur'an 7:180)

    Allah , Most Glorified, Most High, informs us in this verse that His Names are of the utmost beauty and that He is Most Perfect and Complete in all of His Divine Attributes, then He tells us that we should supplicate Him using these Names, in order that our prayers be answered and that they be answered quickly. Then He , Most High, commands us to avoid those who reject His Names or knowingly alter their meanings in order to suit their deviated understanding of Tawheed. Then He , Almighty, All-powerful, warns them of the condign punishment which awaits those who deny His Names and Attributes on the Day of Resurrection.

    Relevance of This Verse to the Subject of the Chapter

    That it proves the forbiddance of denying Allah's Divine Names and Attributes.

    Relevance of This Verse to the Subject of Tawheed

    That it forbids the denial of Allah's Divine Names and Attributes; such denial includes bestowing His Names upon His creatures or bestowing His creatures' names upon Him, for this is Shirk in the matter of His Names and Attributes.

    Important Note

    (a) Mentioning the Divine Names by which the Believer may enter Paradise may be described as being on three levels: (i) Pronouncing the words; (ii) understanding their meanings and (iii) calling upon Allah by them.

    (b) Some of Allah's Names may be pronounced alone, such as Al-Hakeem (the Judge), while others may be pronounced together, such as As-Samee' (the All-hearing) and Al-Baseer (the All-seeing), while others must never be pronounced except together, such as An-Naafi' (the Benevolent) and Adh-Dhaarr (the Harmer), because Allah's Complete-ness is not made clear except by this combination, for were one to pronounce the Name Adh-Dhaarr alone, it would not be a word of praise unless the Name An-Naafi' was mentioned along with it.

    (c) The rule regarding Allah's Names and Attributes is that we do not ascribe to Him any name or attribute which is not found in the Qur'an or the authentic Ahadith of the Prophet , and we reject all names and attributes which He and His Messenger  have rejected, and we remain silent concerning matters connected with His Names and Attributes about which we have no knowledge.

    (d) It is not permissible to derive names for Allah from the verbs used in the Qur'an to describe His Actions: Thus, we may not refer to Him as Al-Mun'im (the Provider of Blessings), even though the Qur'an speaks of His Ni'am (Blessings), nor is it allowed for us to call Him As-Sattaar (the Veiler) even though He has been described as As-Satteer (derived from the same verb) in an authentic Hadith; and whoever does so is in error.

    (e) Denial of Allah's Divine Names and Attributes is of five types: (i) Bestowing Allah's Names or names derived from them upon idols, as the pagan Quraish did, when they named one of their gods Al-Laat, which is derived from the same root as Allah ; (ii) ascribing to Allah names which do not befit His Majesty, as the Christians do when they refer to Him as the Father, or as the philosophers do when they refer to him as the Active Cause, or the Power etc.; (iii) ascribing to Him attributes which He is far above, such as the Jews' obnoxious claim that He rested on the seventh day (i.e. Saturday); (iv) changing the meaning of Allah's Divine Names and Attributes and rejecting the true meanings as did the Jahmiyyah1 who claimed that Allah is the All-hearing, but He does not hear and that He is the Living, but He does not live;2 (v) Comparing the Attributes of Allah with those of His creatures, when in truth, we should affirm only that which does not suggest any comparison between Allah and His creation.


    Ibn Abi Hatim reported on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (ra) that he said: "Those who belie or deny His Names are guilty of Shirk."

    Relevance of This Narration to the Subject of the Chapter and to the Subject of Tawheed

    That the narration proves that Ibn `Abbas (ra) held that ascribing Allah's Names to idols is an act of denial of those Names and it is confirmed that those who do so are guilty of Shirk.


    It is reported on the authority of Al-A'amash that he said that they used to ascribe names to Allah which were not His.

    Relevance of This Narration to the Subject of the Chapter and to the Subject of Tawheed

    That the narration is evidence that Al-A'amash was of the view that calling Allah by names which are not His is a denial of those Names and it has been confirmed that denial of Allah's Names is Shirk.


    1. The Jahmiyyah: A deviant sect which perverted Islamic beliefs. Although, as a group, they are no longer present, many of their distorted beliefs have been adopted by others.

    2. That is, these are

  15. You should always say Allah...because other religions call thier god either god or lord...

    So call god as Allah...

  16. You're just wasting your time....honestly lol.....It does not matter what u say, though the word Allah has more love in it and i would say it's better to use Allah. Doesn't matter if u say Lord too, since you're praising Allah, and Allah rewards those who love and praise Him.

  17. Say Allah, its better. Allah can hear everyone no matter what religion, and grants them what they want. He gives to the believers and non believers.

  18. GOD hears you all the time, no matter what religion you are.

    I have been asked this question a lot in my life. and I say it again. Allah means God or Lord, it's just the language translation like any other word or name.  

  19. You can call Him anyone of the names He has authorized you to use (eg. His 99 names) as well as anything that He has called Himself.


    I AM





    Our Lord listens to everyone no matter who you are or what you religion you are and to everything always. He All-Seeing and All-knowing...nothing is hidden from Him.

    He is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful and yes, He will forgive you if you ask Him for all you past, present, and future sins! Also, ask Him to grant you faith, health, happiness, prosperity, and guidence without hardship and without sorrow! :o)

    You are never wasting your time, He says, "if you give one step to me, I will give ten towards you and if you walk to Me, than I will run to you."

    So remember and talk to Him all day long! It is never to late, their is no sin too big for Him.

    Isn't it all just so beautiful!!


  20. Allah means god, and god means Allah. So you should stick with Allah. And no, you are not wasting your time.

  21. You can call Him Allah, which is Arabic for 'The God' or God or Lord, for Allah has beautiful names and He listens whenever you call on Him.  So you are never wasting your time sister when you turn to Him with your thoughts and prayers.

  22. ALLAH  IS  BETTER  there is hundred names of Allah in quran Karim  

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