
Should I apologize for contributing to GLOBAL WARMING when I f**t and add to the CO2?

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Should I apologize for contributing to GLOBAL WARMING when I f**t and add to the CO2?




  1. You could prevent the gases from escaping by performing a "dutch oven" on your significant other.

  2. You add CO2 when you breath. Stop it.

  3. nah. if anyone should be accused for farting, it should be me! im a beast when it comes to flatulence!

  4. no! but you should apologize for being so immature. hey, maybe you should try growing up?

  5. .ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-!!!!!!!!!...

    funniest question I've seen on this site

    no. but you might want to plug your nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'd be more worried about the hot air you emit when you open your mouth.

  7. No, because when you f**t you add methane, not CO2.

    Methane is also a greenhouse gas, but no matter how many beans you eat, your contribution will still be fairly minor.

  8. Naw, it's those cows burps that are responsible!!!

  9. Actually farting releases methane not co2.  But you are out of luck.  I do not think that methane is covered by carbon credits.  That is why you have to bend down and inhale whenever the urge hits you.  In the mean time, stop eating so much beans.  You are destroying humanity!!

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