My husband and I got in a huge fight this morning. It started because we ride to work together to save money and he told me I couldn't possibly get ready in the time period that I woke up this morning (50 minutes before we needed to be at work with work 15 minutes away) and that I needed to skip the shower. We're graduate students and don't have set work hours, so to me, he was being nitpicky and controlling. Anyhow, I admittedly was wrong in yelling that he was being controlling and giving the silent treatment (after he wouldn't accept that I told him I could make the time frame). Since I was moody and quiet, he started trying to defend his comment from the morning. He was being defensive and not listening, so I told him we'd talk about it later after we calmed down. Every time he tried to talk about it after that, I interrupted him and said we'd agreed not to talk in the morning (because we're both moody). He got madder and madder until he threatened to put me on the side of the road and he was screaming and yelling that I needed to listen to him. I just kept saying we'd talk about it later (sometimes interrupting him in the middle of saying something defensive), to which he said I was trying to control the conversation. He talked to a coworker and apologized for the comment he made this morning and I apologized for yelling and giving the silent treatment over it. However, he wants me to apologize for interrupting him in the car. Somebody help....I don't think I should apologize for this. Should I apologize?