
Should I ask for A bonus at Work?

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I have been employed for approximately 1 year with my company and just recently found out that everyone in my unit gets a monthly bonus. I’m the only one that doesn’t get one. I never discussed a bonus when I first got hired; however I do believe that I deserve one. What should I do? I found this out by accident and I don’t want them to know that I know. Should I tell them that I’m looking for another job or should I just come out and tell them I want a bonus? What is the best way to approach this?




  1. Do you know how long it took other employees to start receiving a monthly bonus.  Did they have to work beyond a year?  I would definately get the specifics of how long it took to earn a monthly bonus from the source you found out from originally.  Perhaps your job position does not earn a monthly bonus, I hope it does for your sake.  I would not confront your boss and ask for a bonus upfront.  Be patient, if your work satisfies your boss and he/she sees that you are a competent employee, I am sure they will give you a bonus as they do all other employees when they see fit.  Good Luck

  2. Do not threaten them by saying you are looking for another job, they can let you go on the spot and then where will you be. Sit down with your boss and ask them for some feedback on how you are doing. Let them know that you have heard there is a bonus program in place for employees and you would like information about how that program works and who is eligible for this bonus. Let them give you the criteria for it and give you information about it.  

  3. Don't tell them that you want a bonus.  Ask. You need to find out the rules to get a bonus.  Maybe you need to be with the company for a minimum time; say like a year. Or maybe their bonuses' are  commissions for reaching a target sales goal.  I don't know because you are vague. Either ask a co-worker you like, go to human resources and ask them, or ask your boss.  Don't do the I'm looking for another job or tell them you want a bonus until you know the facts otherwise you may just be doing that; looking for another job that is.  

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