
Should I ask for a blood test.?

by  |  earlier

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Last month I was suppose to have a cycle between the 20-21 that is where it was falling for 4 months. On the 26 I got it but it wasn't normal only 2 1/2 days of heavier than spotting but not heavy enough to consider a light flow. for a couple of months before I got my cycle on the 20-21 I was getting it on the 25-26, so I thought nothing of it. Lately I have been nausea but I thought it might be my pills cause they do that. I have been really tired and thirsty having a few dizzy spells here and there. With my son I had these pains and I have been experiencing them again. Two weeks ago I took a hpt and it was -ve but with my son all did that. So I was thinking of just going and asking for blood work, cause of the -ve results last time.




  1. I would ask for a blood test if I were you.  Especially since you had a similar experience with your son.  It doesn't sound like you are pregnant to me, but I've heard of weirder things.  If you do a blood test, at least that will put your mind at ease and you will know for sure.  Good luck!

  2. If you are on a pill it is very unlikely that you are pregnant.

  3. If U are on a apill , its very unlikely to be pregnant  

  4. i would talk to your doctor it can't hurt. i would try another hpt first if that one shows up neg and stiff nothing then i would get a blood test, good luck hun!

  5. Go get a blood test.  Since this happened with your last pregnancy, you have reason to believe you may actually be pregnant.  Good luck to you!!!

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