
Should I ask my ex out?

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We broke up like 2 years ago. I'm already going out with someone else and he is too(even has a baby). Whenever I get sad or frustrated I can't think of anything but him. Even when I have my boyfriend next to me i whish it was my ex. He has a baby already. I felt so sad when I first found out. Last time we saw eachother at a party he looked at me the way he used to look at me when we were going out. The girl he's with right now treats him horrible, as far as I've heard. I don't know what to do :( The baby is lovely and I would mind taking care of him




  1. Stop with the fantasy and get real-

    You don't need someone who brings all this baggage of a child and baby mama into your life.

    The reality is a relationship fraught with too many of his personal problems that will end up making you feel resentful eventually.

  2. Well if your ok with the fact he has a baby and your sure he likes you still then you should go for it but you might want to know for a fact that his gf is mean to him and that he still likes you. But on the other hand if his girlfriend is mean to him then it won't be long until he breaks up with her!  

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