
Should I ask out the pizza man?

by  |  earlier

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There's this really cute guy who works at the pizzeria in the mall. My friend told me when I turned around he looked at my butt and licked his lips and rubbed his hands together. I also caught him looking down my shirt. So should I ask him out now? But the thing is, I like the garbage man too 'cause he's really cute. Who's better?




  1. The Garbage man is much better.

  2. are you kidding? obviously the pizza man is better. its ******* greasy its ******* cheesy its ******* delicious its ******* pizza. plus he knows how to find attractive women. the garbage man probably reeks also...

  3. If that's their jobs,they aren't going anywhere in life.Aim a bit higher.

  4. LOL get out of here! we know this ain't true!

  5. I would go with the garbage man. He's like 10x cuter I just know it.

  6. get over yourself

  7. troll alert

  8. Oooohh hard choice. :) Why not ask the one out who you like the most and if things don't work out you can ask the other one out later.  :)

  9. The pizza man of course. It is better to get free pizza than free garbage.

    Speaking of garbage, how serious is your question really?

  10. So you wanna be a dirty girl huh?

    Pick the garbo

    -I work at a sewerage plant if you have a funny smell fetish!

  11. Pizza man sounds like a pig.  He probably makes a whole lot less than the garbage man.  I think you asked about the garbage man before.  As long as the garbage man is clean (shower-wise and STD-wise), he's the one you want to date.  Pizza man is probably making at least 10 grand less a year.

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