
Should I ask this renter to move out?

by  |  earlier

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I own a condo and, using a craigslist ad, got someone to rent one of the bedrooms. He has been living there for almost a month, has paid rent but has not signed anything nor agreed to any timeframe. I have since had a friend ask about moving into the room. I would MUCH rather live with my friend than a random person. There is nothing wrong with the current renter except that I don't know him and he's a little awkward. My quality of life would be much improved if my friend could move in, but can I just ask this other guy to move out? Do these things happen, or would I be totally out of line to ask him to leave? Help!




  1. How would you like it done to you, that's the question that you need to ask yourself. Why don't you get to know him a bit better as you may find that he's really ok after all.

  2. kick his *** out , that's what people do they first pay the rent then they stop whenever they want !!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Even if he had a contract, as a landlord all you have to do is give him a 30 day written notice.

  4. no contract = no commitment.

    If he wanted you to guarantee him the room for a set period of time, then he should have asked for a written contract.  

  5. Be careful what you wish may not be what you want.  The guy is paying rent, and being a decent tennant.  Sometimes a friend will take advantage of the friendship by not paying on time, or expecting to skip a month now and then due to a hardship.  You should think it thru.  If you decide the friend would be better...give the renter plenty of time to relocate.  It's only fair to give him ample time to find another place he can afford

  6. You're on a month to month tenancy without a signed lease and must give him 30 days notice in writing if you ask him to move - and you don't need a reason.

    Btw....if you follow the people saying that you should unlawfully evict you could end up in court and it could wind up costing you a TON of money - including the cost for whatever he needed to pay for a hotel while looking for an apartment and moving expenses.

  7. this is clearly no ethical dilema. You own it. So you *should* be able to pay the mortgage on your own or

    (a) get enough money from said bunking friend for rent or

    (b) expect more stress & expect payment from current annoyance

    Dump the roomer. I'd say something like 'i am so sorry to dump this on you. i know we hadn't set a timeframe, and 'my cousin is sick  & needing to stay here for a while.'' 'If you need help carrying anything,  let me know.  

  8. Did you have a verbal agreement about a time frame?

    It think it would suck to make this guy move after only a month but if he didn't sign anything I don't think you really have any legal obligation.

  9. Seeing that you have no "contract" his tenancy would be considered "month to month"..I too would rather live with my friend than a stranger.  Give him a 30 day notice  that you quit.  Explain the situation and make sure you have any deposit he gave you ready to return upon your walk through!  Take PICTURES to cover your butt just in case.  Good Luck

  10. find a tactful way of addressing this issue with your tenant, as long as he has the money, and a place to go, I give him 30 days to move out.

  11. he didnt sign anything so it wouldnt be inappropraite to ask him to either sign a lease or give him 30 day notice to move out and let your other friend move in

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