
Should I ask to go to public/private high-school instead of being homeschooled?

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I've been home schooled all my life, And I think it would be easier for me to get into college if i went to a public or private high school, Because Our curriculum is fairly easy, And my few friends are smarter than me.

I don't feel like I'm being challenged enough, i get bored with it quickly, It's almost no challenge to me, and I'm doing the same science and history as my 5th-grade sister.

I'm in 8th grade, so next year is high school. please help.




  1. Good Way of thinking. Well since you said that you have been homeschooled all of your life, it will be difficult for public school. JUst like the other way around. It will take you a while to get used to the thinking. It took me a while to understand homeschool after years and years of public school. I think that you should definitely ask. It is not good to take the same subjuects as your 5th grade teacher. Why are you in these classes? If you cannot move your class up in homeschool, it will be very hard to move your classes up in public school. I am in 9th grade and taking 10th and 11th grade class. Maybe 12th. I suggest that you study a lot if you want to enroll. You will have to take a placement test. But I think you should ask, tell them how you feel. Your parents want you to work to the best of you ability so I think this a great oppurtunity. Just dont fu*k up. And if and when you go to public schoo, Good Luck!

  2. Well public school is good for the social experience. But also theres online highschool that you should look into for more challenging classes at home. Just google online highschool

  3. do home schooling it's cool. i'm 13 and i only have to do 2 hours work.

  4. if you can afford it, i'd say private school would be a better place for someone that's been homeschooled their whole life.  Just because (no offence) you might be a little naieve about how teenagers behave and the drug dealers and all mainly are at public schools (I'm not being s****., i go to public school so i know) so, I'd suggest private school for you if you can afford it.  Like that you can still make friends but at the same time stay focused about learning, you can do this at public school to, but their might be more to distract you from performing to your full potential.

  5. Hi; you're not alone in your problem, sometimes right around this 8th & 9th grade level; a homeschooling mom needs some help to give you a greater challenge; this can be the time when your curriculum is going to go into areas that she doesn't remember so well...  The answer is for you to call a meeting with your parents and lovingly tell them exactly what you've said here; it's important that both parents hear what you're saying about the level of education; you can put this response I'm writing in an e-mail to them - your question and this answer too.  Your parents only need to up the level of your education; but it starts to become more challenging at your age level; there are programs like that support homeschooling, there are "one day schools" where you go to school one day a week and you are homeschooled the other days "Family Academy" and there are so many helpful resources.  But when a mom wants to "hands on school" her children, you're right at the age level where it becomes much more difficult, mom just needs to talk with other parents and get the support and help to help you continue to grow educationally and still be able to homeschool you.  There are SO MANY BENEFITS and truly your parents are homeschooling you because they value you, and often the benefits far outweigh sending you to public school.  Hang in there, they love you and they want the BEST for you -- mom is sacrificing a career and money to homeschool YOU.  So...  Yes you do  need to communicate your need; and because they want the best for you; they are going to help you with your need.  Just cut and paste your question and my answer and it will help open up a dialogue with mom and dad; be sure you talk to both of them; they love you...  Give them a little time; they can make the chanegs.  In the meantime; be sure and do the work that mom gives you...  Do your best; show her it's too easy by your good work...  And at the same time mom probably realizes that if you're bored; it's going to be very difficult to get through boring easy work...  I think she'll remember this -- talk to her today.

  6. I think, you should have to...

    Home school is really not challenging,because you will only encounter people who are already close to you...

    I'm not saying that home school is not good...what I mean to say is it is better to pursue schooling in a public/private schools because you will be exposed into different can learn more on how to interact with other school children and you will really enjoy more.

    challenging it is.

  7. First I would talk to your mom about kicking things up a bit...even if you're in the same science book, for example, you can do outside research and extra projects that would be beyond your sis.

    Does your mom know you feel this way?  The funny thing about being a homeschool mom is, we don't know how to change up your coursework structure if you don't tell us.  I've encountered this with my son, as well; he tends to think that because I'm *Mom*, I automatically know everything he needs and when he'll need it.  For physical needs, that's pretty much true - I know when and what he needs to eat, how warmly he needs to dress, when he needs to rest, etc.  For academics, however, that gets a bit tougher.

    Homeschoolers don't tend to teach according to state standards, because education can't truly be standardized.  We teach according to our kids' needs.  If our kids don't voice those needs, however, we have to guess at them - and can end up making the wrong guess.

    Talk to your mom.  You're old enough now that you can have a say in your coursework.  Let her know that you'd like something more challenging - the same info (or different) at a higher level.  There are plenty of resources online and at the library that can allow you to complete research projects, read at a deeper level, write essays, etc.

    Science and history work really well in a rotation - you study the same thing every few years, but at a deeper level each time.  This is likely what your mom is doing - just ask her to challenge you a bit more.  Trust me, she'll likely jump for joy that you *want* to do more work :-)

    Try this before you make a decision on going to school - don't make a huge choice like that based on a miscommunication.  Your mom is human, too.  

    Hope that helps!

  8. In the first place, unless she's really smart or you are behind (neither of which sounds like what is going on), you really shouldn't be doing the same work as your sister. Talk to your mom (or whoever) about getting you some more advanced work. That, after all, is the beauty of homeschool.

    If she can't manage 2 curriculums at once, ask if you can try an online curriculum or just another curriculum that you do on your own. You certainly are old enough that you could take control of your education if you are willing to.

    If none of that is feasible, then you should consider going to a brick and mortar school...but not because it will be easier to get into college. In fact, it is often easier to get in if you are homeschooled because colleges look for educational diversity.

  9. I can sympathize with you.

    I am a Highschool freshman, and have been homeschooled

    my whole life. If I had the opportunity I would gladly

    ask my parents to let me go to a public/private school

    unfortunatly they won't allow me too.

    I can understand how you don't feel like your being challenged enough. So if it was up to me I'd say

    Heck yea go for it. Ask. There is no harm in just asking

    That way your parents can at least know what's going on.

    Hope that helps =)

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