
Should I attend frosh week?

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I'm 21 and moving to Montreal for university and I'm wondering if I should even bother with frosh week and just go out and see the city instead.

I'm picturing a lot of youn'uns getting drunk like it's still the coolest thing evar and then sitting on each other in a circle. Could I be mistaken?




  1. Frosh was one of the best experiences of my life. You meet lots of people, especially those in your faculty and there are opportunities to explore the city with other students who know it well. Yeah, we did get drunk, but it brought us all together and got the whole drinking thing out of our system right before classes started. The weird part for us was that the last day of frosh was the day before the first day of classes, and I had 8:30 class the first day, so it wasn't fun going to class still half asleep after partying late.

  2. if i were you id just go see the city, but if you think youll always wonder what you missed then you should go.

  3. it'd be fun to go, just not with that attitude. And it's a great way to make friends, which i've heard is surprisingly difficult during lectures.

  4. Just go.  There's plety of time to sight see, but you'll never get another frosh week. It could be more fun than you expect, and you'll meet people.

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