
Should I avoid ever getting in a relationship?

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I've always was interested in getting a girlfriend, but I think that women are too needy nowadays and have had their minds poisoned by the feminazi culture. Women today typically (not always) do not know how to cook or do things that women are tradtionally are supposed to do. They expect men to tell them how beautiful they are all the time and expect men to clean, cook, etc., and most men have become feminized and accept that, but I don't. For example,my grandmother is more talented than my mother is and she at least knew how to cook well, where my mother does not.

I do not trust girls because I think it is embarrassing when a girl takes advantage of a guy and I am afraid of a woman taking advantage of me. If I met a girl who accepted me as her superior, I would not mind dating her, but otherwise, forget it.




  1. you are a tool...... yeah obv relationships end people get over it...

    plus its good to have a girl to be with

  2. u sound g*y

  3. women these days also hold jobs like men do so they excpect men to pitch in on housework and things, you should avoid relationships until you realize that a girlfriend is  not going to be your mother and that you actually have to do housework when the time comes, also a relationship should be equal not you the superior cause there is no way that you are better than any woman and thinking like this will make most women run away.

    in my household, both of my parents hold jobs, clean and mother cooks while my dad does the laundry, so it works out just fine.

  4. i don't think you should avoid getting in a relationship. i think relationships are already avoiding you. women are NOT your servants.that is sooo sexist. who is your teacher? your lawer?doctor? one of them has to at least be a women. i don't believe you've ever been in love. dwhen your in love you think she's beautiful. o and did you know most men cheat on there gf than women cheat on there bf?

  5. Yes, avoid a female relationship at all cost.  BE a hermit..learn how to sew and cook for yourself.  v. Educational.

  6. Women are not all like that.  I proclaim how much I hate feminists and I get a lot of guys agree with me, yeah, like anybody would expect, but I get a lot of girls to agree as well.

    I am 16.  I cook, I clean, and i would love to be a stay at home wife/mother

    I understand that some women want to get out of the house and into careers, but if you have a family, they come first.

    You don't need to put up a wall, just avoid the kind of girl that you (and I) dislike.  Its like if I said I didn't want to marry a guy with blonde hair.  I wouldn't stop dating entirely, I'd just check their hair color before dating them.

    theres plenty of good women out there, its just a matter of finding the right one (a struggle everybody faces)

  7. Looks like you're going to stay single if you're looking for someone to look to you as their "superior." Please, the rate your going you're going to be a loner. No one is superior neither men nor women.

  8. You were just born too late!  The kind of woman you describe tossed her apron into a bonfire, along with her bra, back in the 60's.

    Seriously, I think you are looking for the kind of girl who joins cults, bakes bread, makes their own clothes and has more than one husband.  Go west young man!

  9. Look i see where your getting at because no one likes to be taken advantage of, but that is no reason to want ot be supirior because that would be doing the same thing that you wouldn't want them to do to you... and relationships aren't about supiriority they are about accepting differences with equality.

  10. Sounds like you just hate women. Being traditional is one thing, but you sound like you can't trust any woman, even one who might share your beliefs about the traditional roles of men and women. I think you might benefit from actually getting out there and meeting women. When you meet them, be straightforward about your traditional beliefs, but be prepared to not have a great reception. I don't think most women want to dominate and control men, but I think they do want an equal partnership. Since that's not what you're looking for you might have a more difficult time finding what you want.

  11. I hate feminists like that, and what they do to guys. I mean, they claim that they want everyone to be equal when real they're man castrating career b*****s and stuff. That's why I hate feminists. I think women should learn how to cook and clean and all the stuff that they're traditionally supposed to do because those are just useful things. And also I admit, I also think of guys as 'superiors' not to be a bimbo or anything, I just like it better that way. As long as there's not any violence or anything, because I don't like that. But yeah, I agree with you, I would not want to spend time with someone who tried to make a guy her slave. And don't worry, there are girls like that who agree with you (like me) you just have to look. Good Luck. (Also don't let a few crazy people stop you from having a relationship, not everyone is like them....)

  12. Wow you sure sound like you have some serious issues.  First of all lets get something straight I disagree with you about women not knowing how to cook and clean.

    I am a women and I cook, clean, and work so as far as I am concerned your a "jerk" for categorizing all women the same.

    And one more thing you are NO ONE SUPERIOR so you better understand that, you will wind up being one lonely individual if you continue to think and believe that way!

  13. move to the country the women are probably different if you have a problem with us >:[

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