
Should I avoid giving my husband oral s*x if we are TTC? I heard saliva kills sperm.?

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Should I avoid giving my husband oral s*x if we are TTC? I heard saliva kills sperm.?




  1. He would probably be very disappointed if you did. This will not interfere with conception. Best wishes, G

  2. Yes, we are told  it does, but I don't think  oral s*x, concentrated on the clitoris will effect TTC at all.  Enjoy yourselves!!!!  TTC should be fun!!!

  3. Saliva doesn't necessarily kill sperm but it has been found to have a negative effect on some of the sperm,if you are having trouble conceiving, you may want to consider this probably wouldn't be a big deal if he has high volume sperm...but since you are TTC I would give it up for now.

  4. Not sure, but have heard it does. TTC last month and had oral s*x, and didnt get pregnant. Not sure if this had anything to do with it though.

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