
Should I be Home Schooled?

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It's my senior year and ever since September started, I haven't been doing well in school AT ALL. I mean, when I was a freshman, sophomore, and junior, I wasn't considered to be an A student, or even a B student sometimes. But this year is by far the worst. And it's mainly because of my absence. Now since students in my school have new classes, should I dropout and get home schooled online or something? If yes, do you have any really good school online suggestions? I'm new with the whole Home school stuff, so I don't really know that much...




  1. My opinion unless if you have a good teacher is no. If you can not do the work in high school then when you go to college it will just become worse. I am homeschooled now and am going to public school for high school. It really depends on your teacher though. When you go to high school you can get the big schoalarships and thats also where you have your main test in life. Highschool is a guideline and you can either make it or break it. Even homeschoolers have strees. It's not all that people think it is.

  2. Being just an average C student isn't anything to be ashamed of.  My sister is a teacher and she doesn't understand why some parents get so upset if their kids aren't making A's all of the time.

    She says that some kids just aren't strong scholastically, but a C means "average" right in the middle, not a bad thing and most of these kids do just fine in the long run.

    So, my question, as a mother of two teens is, why have you had absences?  This could be a critical part of the answer to your question.  If they have been legitimate (health reasons, mental or physical) or other solid reasons, homeschooling may work for you IF you have a parent who is capable and willing to supervise properly.  Let's not kid ourselves, high school students for the most part need supervision, deadlines, etc. or things will just fall apart.

    I've seen the horrible results of homeschooling in families who just didn't want to get their butts out of bed to get their kids to school or didn't want to deal with the fact that there was NO parenting or supervision/support being offered to their children to help get them through school. (easier to "homeschool" ie: not deal with the school system).  A really sweet girl in our neighborhood with a very dysfunctional family suffered that fate and was put back a grade when the authorities realized that her homeschooling consisted of nothing.  She is now two grades behind in school.

    Homeschooling has to be done for the right reason and parents have to be capable and willing to supervise as I said before.

    I would suggest talking to a counselor or find a really caring teacher who may just help you outline what you need to do to make it through your senior year at to catch up.  It may seem overwhelming to you now, but with someone on your side, mapping it out for you, it may be more within your reach than you think.

  3. Why have you been absent? If it's been for legitimate reasons and is a chronic problem (you expect to miss lots of school yet again this semester), then look into independent studies would be my first suggestion, and online school my second. It's not dropping out. You could see if an online public school is available by doing a search for _yourstate virtual school_. If something comes up, check to make sure they offer high school courses.

  4. Yea I am being homeschooled now and it is better better grades and stuff !!!! Just go to and I think there might be A phone number you can call ( wel your mom ) And there you go

    Good Luck & Happy Valentines Day

  5. i would say stick it out. you have half a year...less...left. if it was the same time last year id say do it. but it will really only disrupt your academics more. and it requires A LOT of motivation.

    Im a senior this year and i left public school at the end of last year to be homeschooled. Im glad i made the descion. but ive had the whole year to adjust and i am still struggling to motivate at times. my grades are really the same as they were last year, its not easier at all.

    Just stick with it im sure you will be happier when it is all over!

    But if you are determind to go the homeschool route now... i would look to see what cyber/online/ charter schools are run by your state. I looked into many (non state related) schools and talked to people who used thier programs, the state run ones are the best (at least in my state?) since of course they have to be up to code and up to the standards and all that...

  6. If you have been going to school for this many years, getting into a new discipline is going to VERY difficult and you could end up quitting before you get anywhere near finishing.  I would suggest that since you are so close to graduating, talk to your teachers and see what you can do to improve your GPA, incuding extra credit work etc.  Hunker down and work are almost done!

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