
Should I be a member on Runescape?

by  |  earlier

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I have to do the Pay by cash thing and just wondering is it worth it.

I am currently a non member with a lvl 72 account.





  1. no unless your at least lvl 60 in att str and def then you can buy dragon and your going to ned millions just to buy mem stuff so train and get money 1st

  2. It is worth it, but I would rather just get Xbox Live membership... Level 90 in runescape, message me if you want - Jak1772

  3. If you are really into runescape, like at least 3 hours everyday. Then it is definately worth $5 a month to enhance your gaming experience...

    There are so many new features for members that it makes playing a totally different experinece and the high def screen doesnt hurt either..

    However seeing as you are only level 72 i would definatel reccomend that you prepare your account to be a member, The first guy had good advice about lvl 60 att and def fr dragon armor and weapons.  Make sure you have already completed all the f2p quests and really know all there is about free before you become a member, It's not worth having so much new things to do if you have not done everything in the free version.. So once you feel like you've accomplished all your goals on free and if you actually have the money then I would definately reccomend paying for members..

    Good LUCK!

    smellinawin2 is my character, ownage ranger =) look me up HOLLA!

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