
Should I be a vegetarian?

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I am one for 2 weeks now but I'm afraid that I might not grow properly since I am 16.

Is meat so important or not?

should I start eating meat again or not?




  1. Meat is not important. I am 12, and have been a vegetarian since I was 4, and the loss of meat has not affected me. Except for the fact that I am very happy that I don't eat dead animals anymore. When I was 4 I found out meat was made from animals, and that was enough to make me become vegetarian. Do NOT eat meat again! Please, save the animals! Just get your protein from something else, like nuts, or cheese.

    Deneith, get a life and shut up! Just because you eat dead animals, doesn't mean everyone else has to! How exactly is my answer whining?

    And it's ArchAngel (Archuleta Angel) not arch ang.

  2. A well balanced diet, whether it includes meat or not, is essential to your health.  Personally I would probably never be a Vegetarian so I would say if you want meat eat it.

  3. you can eat a little meat for example once a week...

  4. It's fine! Loads of people (myself included) go vegetarian or vegan at a much younger age.

  5. If you are a female and 16, don't expect to grow much more, if at all. I have been a vegetarian since I was 9 years old and I am not 25. I am almost 5'6" and have everything a woman is supposed to have. :-) Don't be worried at all. As long as you are eating a healthy vegetarian diet, you will be fine. One thing to worry about is not getting enough iron. Eat plenty of spinach and dark green vegetables, nuts, and beans. Maybe talk to your doctor to see if you need B12 supplements. It is really easy being a vegetarian and we live longer on average!

    Also, meat is not important! Your body does not need meat to survive and grow. You just need all your vitamins.

  6. I am 13, I didn't eat meat for 1 week, and I didn't miss it at all. But what I do now is I only eat meat for dinner and sometimes lunch. Just a little bit of meat a day is prolly fine. And yes, meat is important. But It also depends on if you want to eat meat again.  

  7. meat is not the only way you can get protein. there are nuts, beans, brocoli, wheat bread, colliflower, eggs (if you still want to eat them), turnup greens, and so mny other things! almost all green, leafy vegtibles are a good source of protien.

  8. Well

    You need meat to help you in life, like me im very skinny, and w/o meat i cant walk becuz i'd faint so i'd just hav a lil ham so i dont gian a lot of weight. so you should hav just a lil of meat if ur watching ur weight

  9. take supplements to get vitamin b, & keep protien in your diet. going veg is a smart choice for your health , your conscience & its much greener.

  10. No, meat isn't the only way to get protein. There are eggs, tofu. and nuts to get protein. Meat isn't essential to grow properly. Many vegetarians have been one since birth or childhood. Also, since you are 16, most likely, you've already stopped growing height wise, but you are still developing. Also soy products are very good source of protein, and many soy things, such as soy milk, is delicious. Try the health food store near you, they have many meat substitutes, like veggje burgers, and imitation chicken nuggets. If being vegetarian is important to you, than you should consider staying one.

    Good luck && best wishes [=

  11. There are always other ways to get protein, it won't affect you

  12. The most important nutrients to grow are Calcium and Proteins. Vitamin D helps absorb Calcium.

    Eggs have the best proteins, better than even meats. If you are not going to eat Eggs, eat soybean products. Tofu fortified with Calcium.

    After soybeans,  whole grain such as Brown Rice or Whole grain Wheat, Oats are good. Eat whole grains with dried beans such as garbanzo beans, or lentils

    For Calcium, Vitamin D fortified milk is the best.

    If you are a Vegan, drink Soya Milk Fortified with Calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12.

  13. I think you should I've neen vego for 5 years now and I'm 13. The most important thing is you can't just stop eating meat. If you want to grow properly you've got to make sure you get your vitmains by hsving, beans, tofu, lentils, spinach nuts etc. Also have a glass of orange juice with dinner as it increases your iron intake. :) good luck !

  14. Be one if you want to. Meat isn't a magical growing food. What's important is the nutrients within the food you eat. Eat the nutrients found from non-meat sources if that's what you want to do.

  15. you'll grow properly, but you need to find acess to the vitamins meat has.

    Ask for vitamin pills at a drugstore, or live on tofu/soy and eat lots of almonds/nuts.

  16. as long as you eat, beans, and peanuts, walnuts and other protein enriched foods you can keep being a vegetarian

  17. you can still be a vegetarian if you don't want to eat meat anymore, but just make sure you get the amount of protein you need each day in order to function so that your not feeling like your going to faint all of the time

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