
Should I be afraid of a Rotweiller in the family ?

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A close family member just got a 3-year old Rottweiler from a shelter. They suspect this dog was abused by a previous owner. I am very afraid to let my child near this dog. Am I overreacting or are Rotts as dangerous as their reputation ?




  1. You're not over reacting, just be conscious.  

  2. meet the dog yourself, most are lovely dogs.  Just closely supervise the first few visits, you will know then if the dog has any problems you should be aware of.

  3. I've only had dealings with rotts who were little more than slobbering love hogs.

    Instead of using a reputation to unfairly judge something how bout meeting it for yourself and than judging?

  4. no wayy if Rottweilers are treated right they can be the sweetest thing when you see it dont act scared because the dog can tell i have a rottweiler and she wouldn't hurt a thing unless she was trying to protect someone so dont acct like a stranger or she will act cautious just stay close to the onwer at first and pet the dog slowly and then step by step become closer to the dog and there will not even be a reason to be scared

    hope i helped


  5. rottweilers make great family pets, and are in fact very loving animals. bad behavior usually comes from lack of, or no, training from a young age. as with all rescue dogs, with little or no known history, keep a close eye on it when around children, and other family members.

  6. well people say they are agressive dogs but thats not true in all cases usually it is how you raise the dog.

    If it were a dog that had been raised in a good enviroment and had never shown agression in the past i would have no fear of letting my children near it.

    However in your case the dog has not been raised in a good enviroment and has been abused by previous owners, the dog could have agression issues,

    Dont let your child near this dog until you are sure it will not harm them!

  7. NO!!! Rottweilers are very gentle dogs! Take some time to get the dog used to you. Then, take your dog in the room your child is in. (On a leash) let your dog sniff your kid. if he has no reaction, let your child slowly pet his back and behind the ears. it may take some time getting your dogs trust. but dont worry, rottweilers are GREAT dogs!

    Hope I helped!

  8. Some Rotties have a good nature  As a breed they are intelligent and hard working. Teated well they make excellent pets. They are not a natural fighting dog.

    They are big muscular dogs and treated badly can become aggressive and their size and power makes them dangeros.

    s this dog had a previous bad owner you are right to be cautious with your child.

    Here is an extract about these dogs:-

    Rottweiler also has a natural tendency to assert dominance if not properly trained. Rottweilers' large size and strength make this an important point to consider: an untrained, poorly trained, or abused Rottweiler can learn to be extremely aggressive and destructive and, if allowed to run at large, can pose a significant physical threat to humans or other animals. They can be strong-willed and should be trained in a firm and consistent manner. The owner must be perceived by the dog as the leader. If the owner fails to achieve this status the Rottweiler will readily take on the role. Aggression in Rottweilers is associated with poor breeding, poor handling, lack of socialization, natural guarding tendencies, and especially abuse.

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