
Should I be afraid of a ghost?

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As you may have read in a different question I asked, I see a certain ghost often. She is a young woman, and wears clothes that look like they belong in the mid-1800s. Only one other member of my family has seen her (my uncle) and he has only seen her once. The first time she appeared she just stood in my bedroom doorway and stared at me. I can feel her follow me and watch me, and it's startingto freak me out. Now, she's starting to move things as well. She has even said my name. I don't know weather it is OK, or if I should be scared.




  1. There is no need to be scared.  If she was going to try to hurt you, she would have already.  There are different types of ghosts...the type that has no idea that you are there, another type that does know you are there, and then the poltergiests (which are mean).  It sounds like you just have one that knows you are there, but doesn't mean you any harm.  If you really don't want her there, you could have a pastor come bless your house, or you could just tell her nicely that it's your house and she isn't welcome there anymore.  Otherwise just leave it be.  Good luck!

  2. A few different schools of thoughts on this.  First off though, do not be scared.  She seems to be styaing around you b/c you awknowledge your presence and is not trying to harm you.

    Christianity (main stream aleast) teaches you to banish familiar spirits and to not communicate with them in any way.  There are several practices online you could look up that they teach you to "get rid" of the spirit that is haunting you and cast it away to h**l.  Also, you can have a priest come and do a cleansing.

    Buddhism and most eastern philosophies take a completely different approach.  Their belief is that these ghosts or spirits are simply trapped here and trying to find their way on to the next life.  They do not know how to do this and seek out people in the physical realm who can help them.  They believe that these spirits do not want to hurt to you and they do not want to cause you mental anguish or grief.  They are simply hurting themselves and are looking for something (they may not know what) or someone who can assist them.  Many people believe that if you try to help these spirits you will be blessed by them.

    You can begin by telling her you do not know what it is she needs or wants, but that she doesn't belong here.  There is a place of love waiting for her and then tell her she needs to find someone who can help her.  That you would love to help her but that you do not how.  Be very peaceful and send her thoughts and feelings of love.  Ask her to leave with love.  A simple chant is prounced "oh" (use one breath and draw that out them "om" long o sound then "home".

    Christian sources will tell you to "clothe yourself in a robe of white light and ask for your angels to protect you.  Demand that Jesus remove all unclean things from your presence."

    I would not worry though.  Your spirit has found someone that not only sees her but gives her attention.  Either way she is a lost soul and only searching for something.  You give her the power to move things and appear to you whether you realize it or not.

    If it makes you feel any better, just think of her as an angel.  Someone who is watching over you.  If she is spending this much time with you, she certainly does not want harm to fall upon you.

    Good Luck and I hope you can clear your head and find some peace.  If you continue to worry seek out help from someone who believes in this sort of thing.

  3. I have one like that at my parents house, my brothers have all seen her. Shes from early 1800's and her name is Elizabeth. She followed me around the house until I let her know that she was bothering me. Voice what you want to say to her and she will listen. Perhaps she is wanting help, or wanting someone to be able to "speak" to. You must realize that all too often they know that they are dead and they know that people cant see them and if they notice someone who can theyre just like you or I, they get "excited" so to speak. she is nothing to be afraid of. Because fear only triggers us to think the worst.  

  4. Okay as a believer in ghosts myself, you shouldnt be scared yet. Maybe its one of your ancestors or something, who knows? Or maybe its just a ghost with some unsettled business. I dont think you should be scared unless it gets violent with you.



  5. I wouldn't ever call her into my presence, but the next time she shows up you can ask, "Are you sent of God? If you're not, then stay away." Of course, it helps to be at a place in your walk with God where you're able to call on Him in those situations and be heard.

  6. Yes you should be afraid for you can not talk to the dead, and if she really said your name then it is either angelic or demonic.... So yes you should be cautious and wary..................

  7. I suppose its only natural to feel scare when you are face with something you don't really know. We don't really know what ghosts are and what are they capable of really (can't really trust those hollywood movies now can we?). I think it's fasinating to have actually meet one tho, if I were you, I'd probably try to talk to her and find out what she wants. (take some evidence for future reference too ^^)

  8. check out the site

    there are people there who are very familiar with this type of thing,and they have a collection of e mails from over 10 years with people writing in about their experiences....

    hopefully you can find some help there.

  9. from what i've learned from Sylvia Browne is that they can't hurt you and just tell her to go away and follow the white light. hope that helped

  10. Dont be scared unless things are moving around chairs flying or somthing else, never know if may be your guardian angel:)

  11. dont be scared  

  12. You shouldn't be scared, try to talk to her.

    She's reaching out like that for a reason.

  13. You SHOULD be scared, not of the ghost, but of the fact that you believe it.  Shows signs of early onset of dementia.  You need to contact medical professionals.

  14. You know, if this really IS a ghost, you could be a cool million dollars richer if you simply go to and just prove your ghost is for real under independent 3rd party scrutiny. James Randi is offering a million dollars to anyone who can show proof that any magic, miracle, or other paranormal activity is for REAL. To date, the prize remains unclaimed....

  15. The spirit world is very real.The Lord sent many angels to earth  which have been scriptually  recorded. The same is also that were called demons. They weren't always violent, but present. If this presence is making you uncomfortable, as others have suggested, I wouldn't ask it to leave, I would, in the Name of Jesus, demand it to leave. Before you do this though, I would at least read some scriptures before hand so you know your authority in Christ. I might of got the horse in front of the cart here. For you to have this authority, you must believe in Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior. Being "born again" is a definite plus in doing spiritual warfare. Here are a few verses to read, study, and get into your heart. Always read a few verses before and after as not to take out of context. And of course, pray, spend time in  hearing The Word of God, radio, cd's dvd's , etc.

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