
Should I be allowed to posses firearms?

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I grew up in Iowa. I would go with my dad to the sooting range every other weekend. My father and I are safe shooters. Iv been thru safety courses, and my own father would not shoot with me unless I was a safe and trustworthy shooter. I moved to phoenix for school. while there I was convicted of a class 4 felony-Possesion of marijuana for sale. I was working 2 jobs at the time of conviction. I served under 2 yrs of a 3 yr probation term before being released because of good behavier. I have not commited any crime since with the exception of using marijuana. I have since moved back to IA. I want to go shoot with my father again but this looks unlikely. my question is would you let me or other people of a similar situation with a non-violant felony conviction be alowed to posses firearms. P.S. obviously this person would have to in some way petition a court and a judge would decide. please dont stray frome the immediate issue, and PLEASE don't be to rightious against me.




  1. You say you have used marijuana since your probabation period. That alone indicates you are NOT safe to have a gun.

    marijuana is a mind altering drug that affects judgement - like whether a threat is a lethal or non-lethal threat.

    NO. You don't get a gun until I can trust you to make high quality rational correct decisions, where life and death are concerned. I don't even want you to be able to drive.

  2. I would not allow you to be able to posses firearms unless you could prove a need to have one. You have shown bad judgment inn the past. Will you show it again while you are under the influence or in another situation?

    I would also not let you possess firearms until a substantial amount of time has passed. I would not ban you for life. But I do believe that you have to take responsibility for your actions. being released from probation for good behavior is not sufficient.

  3. yes, the constitution guarantees you this freedom.  if you would like information on how you can carry any weapon of choice and sue anyone who attempts to infringe your right to do so let me know

  4. No you shouldn't. You knew that you were going to be giving up certain civil liberities for you conviction. If you do the crime you have to live with the results. Sorry Dude, but you brought this on yourself.

  5. Our forefathers who brought forth upon this continent this great nation. Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the preposition that all men are created equal.  These people that gave us our bill of rights and our constitution are now no doubt SPINNING in their graves because of the condition that our liberties are in these days of power hungry politicians with nothing less than Global domination on there mind. They think nothing of reducing our liberties to the brink of extinction. For the sole purpose to have a military presents in the middle east for no other reason than to protect there financial interests. This is all paid for by you and I  with our taxes and the greatest deficit this country has ever had. This deficit is directly following a period of its greatest positive value.

    About .50 out of every invested dollar in this world is invested in oil. These people that control the oil control the world. They have been preventing new technology from ever being seen directly by the general public,  that technology that they held back could have saved us this present dilemma we are now going to face. The drug laws in this country are wrong and were achieved by way of deceit. That is correct the original controlled substance was never meant to happen. It was passed by congress only if they were to give out a license to handle any controlled substance. Then they JUST NEVER GAVE OUT ANY LICENCES. This law still should be challenged. The funding of this law was done mostly by the oil interests lobby for the sole purpose to prevent ethyl alcohol from competing directly with petroleum products. I bet you did not know that the reason you can not have a firearm is directly related to the oil lobby.  The laws in this country are so out of control at this point it is sickening.  Read about what some of the truly intelligent people have to say about this.

    Yes you should be able to have a gun. Not only that you should be able to smoke your joint as well

    AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT INTERFEAR WITH ANYONE ELSES FREEDOMS. Do not let them tell you that you are a bad person that is their way of keeping you under there thumb.

    Oh and also do not listen to the rest of the SHEEPLE that echo the tyrants.

  6. Your dilemma is an interesting one and I feel sorry for you.  For me, there is nothing better than opening weekend for Pheasants every year; If I couldn't do that, I would be miserable.

    Until you can get the law changed or possibly an exemption, I don't hold out much hope for your situation.

    Good luck.

  7. Well, legally, felons cant be around firearms, period.  I dont agree w/ that, like in your case,  but thats how it is.  My boyfriend is in the same boat, he's a felon for non violent crimes but is also unable to be near guns or any kind of weapon.  Owning firearms would also rely on you being a citizen and things like that,  but assuming you are, sorry but its the law.

  8. I agree that you should have your rights restored. I am a law and order type and an ex cop but I think that the law should allow for some redemption.

    I believe that more pardons should be offered and they should be offered to ordinary citizens not just the rich and political hacks.

    There should be a program in which if you met certain criteria you could have your conviction completely removed. You would have to show that you were law abiding, gainfully employed and contributing to society in some way.

    I do not condone what you did but you should have some way to redeem yourself. We cannot throw that many people in the trash.

  9. The laws are in place for a reason.  When you break laws, especially felonies, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.  I'm not saying you are a bad person, but that's just the way it is.  I'm guessing, if your Father kept possesion of the guns you would still be able to shoot.

  10. contact your local state representative or state senator and ask for assistance to regain your civil rights. Each state is different on how they handle certain rights (voting, right to bear arms, etc) so you would also need to investigate what the laws may be in your state and if you will need a waiver from Arizona as well.

    Basically, your record from then until now will be scrutinized and if you are deemed to be truly rehabilitated, which means that you are highly unlikely to ever commit another felony or misdemeanor,(and well, the pot smoking will not help you at give that up if you really want to get yourself on the right path and legal) then you may have your civil rights reinstated to handle a firearm.

    Good luck, and I hope that you are able to get the resolution that you are looking for.

  11. In my opinion, the only time an individual should be denied the right to keep and bear arms is A) WHILE incarcerated for a crime, or B) WHILE committed to a mental institution.

    Barring the above, there is no justification for government to "stamp the scarlet letter" upon the foreheads of folks and forever forbid them this freedom.

    If you have served your time, it is wrong for government to keep punishing you.

  12. If we cannot protect ourselves we are "Subjects" not "Citizens". We can keep our country safer that way. Back in WW2 Japan didn't invade because they new we were armed at the time.

    Picture if you would the current State of Africa & Mexico. That's what Will happen here if we are disarmed.

    Have a great day.

  13. pot and fire arms together are just as bad as alcohol and fire arms.  Keep the two separated and I don't have an issue with it.   good luck with your fight.

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